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"Chris Jones Kavelin"

  1. Examination of the Environmental Crisis, by Chris Jones Kavelin (2001). With a specific focus on the balance between the instrumental and intrinsic value of nature from a Bahá'í perspective. Theses. [about]
  2. Individual Bahá'í Perspective on Spiritual Aspects of Cultural Diversity and Sustainable Development: Towards a Second Enlightenment, by Chris Jones Kavelin, in The International Journal of Diversity in Organizations, Communities, and Nations, 8:1 (2008). This paper discusses the spiritual value of cultural diversity and explores how such reflection impacts development policy on the local, national and international levels. Published Articles. [about]
  3. Journey of Broken Hearts, by Chris Jones Kavelin (2005). Three poems on meeting or loving the Beloved, and one inspired by the music of Henryk Górecki. Poetry. [about]
  4. Towards a Spiritual Methodology of Scholarship, by Chris Jones Kavelin, in Australian Bahá'í Studies, Volume 4 (2003). Attempt to offer youth a vision of their sacred duty to pursue scholarship and a confidence in their unique spiritual genius to enable a world civilization to become conscious of its own Divine origin, spiritual nature, sacred purpose and glorious destiny Published Articles. [about]
  5. Towards the Elimination of Religious Prejudice: Potential Christian Contributions From a Bahá'í Perspective, by Chris Jones Kavelin, in Interreligious Insight, 2:4 (2004-10). Religion can facilitate both war and peace; the greatest opportunity facing Christianity is to provide an example of loving relationships that transcend religious and cultural prejudice, and leave aside theological differences. Published Articles. [about]
  6. Universities as the Gatekeepers of the Intellectual Property of Indigenous People's Medical Knowledge, by Chris Jones Kavelin, in Australian Journal of Indigenous Education, Volume 37 (2008). While this article is inspired by Bahá'í principles, it has no mention of the Bahá'í Faith. Published Articles. [about]
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