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"John Cornell"

  1. "Easy Familiarity," Explanations of, by Ruhiyyih (Mary Maxwell) Khanum and Ann Boylan (1912/1947/1974). Statements on displays of affection (hugging and kissing) between members of the opposite sex. Also questions on assembly infallibility, and whether one with a minority opinion should vote against his conscience. Letters from the Guardian. [about]
  2. Scientific Approach to Moral Conduct, by John B. Cornell, in World Order, 12:8 (1946-11). Comparison of Bahá'í teachings on sexual behavior with those presented by a then-current textbook, Personality and the Family (1935). Essays and short articles. [about]
  3. Six Lessons on Bahá'í Law: A Deepening Course for Bahá'ís (1974). Principles of the Faith; justice and mercy; laws for the individual vs society; jurisdiction; civil law. Books. [about]
  4. Spiritual Assembly as Arbitrator, The, by John B. Cornell (1997). The function of Spiritual Assemblies in arbitrating disputes among Bahá'ís, and some historical insight into the development of Bahá'í practice. Unpublished Articles. [about]
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