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Bahá'í World Centre

Urgent request for assistance

Institution of Huqúqu'lláh

Information on Huqúqu'lláh


National Spiritual Assembly

Office of the Treasurer

- Preserving the Lifeblood

Junior Youth Festival at National Conference 2000 SPECIAL!  YOU'VE GOT TO COME!

National Conference

The International Criminal Court Campaign

Bahá'í Information Office

- Useful paper for Agenda 21

- Do you get "green papers"?

- Some notes on Bahá'í proofs based on the Qur'an


Bahá'í Councils & Training Institutes

Bahá'í Council for England

-         Please Note Changes

Bahá'í Council for Scotland

- A busy summer in Scotland

- Winter School in Scotland


Committees & Departments


- BASED-UK at Sidcot summer school

- An Update on BASED-UK

- Local Social and Economic Development (Isle of Wight)

British Association of Bahá'í Esperantists

- Esperanto World Congress 2000 in Israel

National Conference 2000 - Appeal for volunteers

Children's Bahá'í Education Service

Year of Service Desk

- Year of Service at Maxwell International Bahá'í School

- Live-in YOS opportunity in Northern Ireland Bahá'í Office

Committee for International Pioneering and Travel Teaching CIPTT

- Travel teaching and pioneering  in Bosnia and Herzegovina

- Yerrinbool Bahá'í Centre for Learning - Australia



Anniversary of the Birth of the Báb

Some significant dates in Bahá'í history



Bahá'í United Nations representative addresses world leaders at the Millennium Summit

Bahá'í International News in photos

Jobs at New Era High School



Improve our meetings by reading the Writings, Ruth Bradley

We need a national campaign for race unity, Kamyar Solhjoo

Practising virtues when booking events, The Welsh Spring School Committee

Enjoying the "New Dawn" on video, Thelma and Ron Batchelor



TRACES - Scotland's dance group leave a trace

Youth Can Move the World

To be chaste or to be chased!



Joel Grainger reflecting on the Bahá'í Academy for the Arts

Sapling Publications Affordable literature for children

Children's Classes in Burnley

WANTED! Volunteers to staff the proposed new Northwest England community school



BBC TV's Bábí Bluff

Bahá'í Writings on teletext

- Brilliant Star

- Herald of the South

The Bahá'í Academy for the Arts 2000

It's all singing and dancing in Northants

Beyond syllables and sounds

- A one day conference exploring the mystery of prayer

Ridvan The New Dawn

- New CD Available

Media skills training available

Birth of the Báb celebration in the Millennium Dome Saturday 21st October