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The Babi and Bahá'í Religions:
An Annotated Bibliography

by Denis MacEoin

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  1. In his introduction MacEoin describes the scope, structure, and aim of this project.
  2. While this bibliography is quite comprehensive, it is still partial, and has not been updated since 1997. Its most significant omission is journal articles, the more useful of which can be found in Resource Guide for the Scholarly Study of the Bahá'í Faith.
  3. I stripped all diacritics save apostrophes, which represent both hamza and ayn. This was necessary in 1997, when this bibliography was first posted, as extended character sets were not then available for the internet.
  4. I alphabetized automatically instead of manually, which caused certain errors:
    1. My word processor alphabetizes apostrophes first. 'Ali's History would precede Abedi's History.
    2. Quotation marks are ignored. Mirza would precede "Muhammad.
    3. Brackets are last. Zwemer precedes [al-Balaghi.
  5. While I transposed definite articles, e.g. Bab, The, I did not have time to do the same with indefinites, so e.g. A Ziyadi would precede Babi. [-J.W., 1998]
  1. Introduction
  2. 'Abdu'l-Bahá' (238 entries)
  3. Academia (12 entries)
  4. Administration (179 entries)
  5. Anti-Bahá'í Polemic (833 entries)
  6. Apologetics and Theology (110 entries)
  7. Architecture (223 entries)
  8. Area Studies (116 entries)
  9. Art (9 entries)
  10. Bab, The (33 entries)
  11. Babi History (231 entries)
  12. Baha' Allah (191 entries)
  13. Bahai History (166 entries)
  14. Bahaism and Christianity (92 entries)
  15. Bahaiyyah Khanum (2 entries)
  16. Bibliographies (39 entries)
  17. Biographies and Autobiographies (421 entries)
  18. Calendar (65 entries)
  19. Children and Education (382 entries)
  20. Commentaries (86 entries)
  21. Community Development (13 entries)
  22. Compilations (291 entries)
  23. Conferences (115 entries)
  24. Consolidation (23 entries)
  25. Counter Polemic (35 entries)
  26. Covenant (37 entries)
  27. Devotional (20 entries)
  28. Dictionaries (4 entries)
  1. Ethics (101 entries)
  2. Family Development (13 entries)
  3. Financial (46 entries)
  4. General and Introductory (851 entries)
  5. Hands of the Cause (7 entries)
  6. History (45 entries)
  7. Laws (33 entries)
  8. Life After Death (18 entries)
  9. Literary (85 entries)
  10. Media (21 entries)
  11. Memorials (105 entries)
  12. Music (62 entries)
  13. Other Religions (82 entries)
  14. Peace (40 entries)
  15. Periodicals (not completed)
  16. Persecutions (363 entries)
  17. Personal Development (32 entries)
  18. Political and Social (124 entries)
  19. Principles (172 entries)
  20. Proselytization (194 entries)
  21. Schismatic Groups (239 entries)
  22. Shoghi Effendi (121 entries)
  23. Sociological (7 entries)
  24. Statistics (5 entries)
  25. Subh-i Azal (4 entries)
  26. Universal House of Justice (29 entries)
  27. Unclassified (not yet organized) (204 entries)
  28. Yearbooks (37 entries)
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