Help on God Passes By: French and Persian

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Posted by Brett on October 09, 2101 at 20:19:50:

Dear friends,

I am working on a study guide for God Passes By and was wondering if anyone could help with the following information:

From GPB 70, what exactly is a kurþr? If money, how does it compare to the more frequently cited "tuman"?
"The Amâr-Niz½m, moreover, fully aware of the pervasive influence of so energetic an opponent, had, in the presence of a distinguished gathering, accused Him of having inflicted, as a result of His activities, a loss of no less than five kurþrs upon the government, and had expressly requested Him, at a critical moment in the fortunes of the Faith, to temporarily transfer His residence to K½rbil½."

I could not find the following quotations from God Passes By translated from the original French into English. I know that one can devise much of it from the cognates, but sometimes the cognates between languages (especially with French and English) are false. If anyone has a translation or could make a provisional translation, I'd appreciate it.

GPB p. 55 (lines 23-24)
"Un fait Útrange, unique dans les annales de l'humanitÚ."

GPB p. 80 (lines 38-41)
"Des milliers de martyrs," attests Renan in his "Les Apútres," "sont accourus pour lui (the B½b) avec allÚgress au devant de la mort. Un jour sans pareil peut-Ætre dans l'histoire du monde fut celui de la grande boucherie qui se fit des B½bâs a Teheran."

GPB p. 81 (lines 9-19)
"J'avoue mÆme," is the assertion made by Comte de Gobineau in his book, "que, si je voyais en Europe une secte d'une nature analogue au Babysme se prÚsenter avec des avantages tels que les siens, foi aveugle, enthousiasme extreme, courage et dÚvoument ÚprouvÚs, respect inspire aux indiffÚrents, terreur profonde inspirÚe aux adversaires, et de plus, comme je l'ai dit, un proselytisme qui ne s'arrÆte pas, et donc les succes sont constants dans toutes les classes de la sociÚtÚ; si je voyais, dis-je, tout cela exister en Europe, je n'hÚsiterais pas a prÚdire que, dans un temps donnÚ, la puissance et le sceptre appartiendront de toute nÚcessitÚ aux possesseurs de ces grands avantages."

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