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full details for

The Religion of the Bab

AuthorRobert E. Speer
Author 2
Henry H. Jessup
Title of item
The Religion of the Bab
Parent publication   Missions and Modern History: A Study of the Missionary Aspects of some Great Movements of the Nineteenth Century
Publisher of this ed.
London: Fleming H. Revell Co.
Date of this edition 1904
Permission public domain
Typed 2012-09 by Bobbi Lyons
Posted 2012-09-17 by Jonah Winters
Proofread 2012-09 by Bobbi Lyons
Classified in Published Articles
Abstract Two articles: Speer's "The Religion of the Bab," pp. 119-174, is followed by Jessup's "The Babites," pp. 174-182 (originally published in The Outlook, 1901).
Notes This entire book is available online in a variety of formats at See also Word document.
Tags Christian missionaries; Henry Jessup
Page views 15062 hits since 2012-09-17
Edit qualityhigh: carefully proofread and edited
Format qualityhigh: well formatted
Last edited
2023-08-18 22:03 EDT. See previous versions [].

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