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The Crisis in Babi and Bahá'í Studies

AuthorDenis MacEoin
Title of item
The Crisis in Babi and Bahá'í Studies
Subtitle of item
Part of a Wider Crisis in Academic Freedom?
Parent publication   British Society for Middle Eastern Studies
Date of this edition 1990
Permission author
Posted 2015-10-04 by Jonah Winters
Classified in Published Articles
Abstract Response to Cole's review of MacEoin's "Hierarchy, Authority, and Eschatology in Early Bábí Thought" with comments on "outsider" scholarship versus faith-based approaches.
Notes See related discussions in Debates between MacEoin et al., especially Cole's and MacEoin's follow-up essays, and see MacEoin's earlier Hierarchy Authority and Eschatology in Early Bábí Thought.
Tags Babism; Bahai studies; Criticism and apologetics; Scholarship
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2015-10-04 13:49 EDT. See previous versions [].

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