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A Study of the Meaning of the Word "Al-Amr" in the Qur'án and in the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh

AuthorMoojan Momen
Title of item
A Study of the Meaning of the Word "Al-Amr" in the Qur'án and in the Writings of Bahá'u'lláh
Book 1
Total pages
Parent publication   Lights of Irfan
Publisher of this ed.
Wilmette, IL: Irfan Colloquia
Date of this edition 2000
Permission author and publisher
Posted 2005-01-30 by Jonah Winters
Formatted 2005-01-30 by Jonah Winters
Classified in Published Articles
Abstract Examines two controversies about the Arabic-Persian term "al-amr"/"amr" regarding Quranic prophecy and the status of Subh-e Azal.
Notes Presented at the Irfan Colloquia Session #22, London, England (August 27-29, 1999).

Mirrored with permission from

Tags Amr (word); Cause (word); Criticism and apologetics; Day of Judgment (or Day of Resurrection); Edward Granville Browne; Interfaith dialogue; Islam; Kitab-i-Iqan (Book of Certitude); Mirza Yahya (Subh-i-Azal); Prophecies; Quran; Shahifiy-i-Shattiyyih (Book of the River); Words and phrases
Locations Baghdad; Sulaymaniyyih; Iraq
Cross-referencesSee also Messianic Concealment and Theophanic Disclosure (Momen, 2007).
Page views 10957 hits since 2005-01-30
Edit qualityhigh: carefully proofread and edited
Format qualitymedium: lightly formatted
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2022-01-31 00:03 EDT. See previous versions [].

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