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Sow the Seeds of My Divine Wisdom in the Pure Soil of Thy Heart

AuthorWolfgang A. Klebel
Title of item
Sow the Seeds of My Divine Wisdom in the Pure Soil of Thy Heart
Subtitle of item
Towards Coordinating Langs' Communicative Approach of Psychoanalysis with the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh
Parent publication   Lights of Irfan
Publisher of this ed.
Wilmette: Haj Mehdi Arjmand Colloquium
Date of this edition 2019
Permission editor and publisher
Posted 2020-01-18 by Jonah Winters
Classified in Published Articles
Abstract On correlating the contemporary world and the Bahá’í Revelation through the psychoanalysis of Robert Langs, who postulated that "divine wisdom" lies inherent deep within the human unconscious mind.
Notes Mirrored with permission from
Tags Psychology
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2022-01-23 12:50 EDT. See previous versions [].

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