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List documents by Ali Murad Davudi

Author name: Ali Murad Davudi
tag: `Alí Murad Davudi

3 results

  1. Ali Murad Davudi. Vargha Taefi, trans. Discourse on Bahá'í Theology, A: A Treatise by Dr. 'Alí-Murád Dávúdí on God and Revelation (2021). Overview of the life of Davudi, a distinguished scholar and researcher and prolific author, followed by a translation of a treatise on the transcendence of God, apophatic theology, knowledge of God, emanation and manifestation, and divine attributes. Articles.
  2. Ali Murad Davudi. Riaz Masrour, trans, Vahid Rafati, comp. Human Station in the Bahá'í Faith: Selected Sections: Philosophy and Knowledge of the Divine (2013). A collection of talks by the Bahá’í teacher and philosopher Dr. A. M. Dávúdí on selected philosophical topics, including one on the subject of the non-political nature of the Bahá’í Faith and non-involvement in partisan politics. Books.
  3. Ali Murad Davudi. Riaz Masrour, trans. Non-Involvement in Politics (2010). The importance and value of the Bahá'í principle of non-involvement in political affairs. Essays.
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