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"Alm Nicolas"

author name: A.L.M. Nicolas
web link: Alm_Nicolas

13 results

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  1. A Propos de Deux Manuscrits "Babis" de la Bibliotheque Nationale. A.L.M. Nicolas (1903). Regarding the correct titles/classification of two versions of the manuscript "Histoire de la secte des Bâbis" from the library of Comte de Gobineau. Articles.
  2. 'Abdu'l-Bahá and Mírzá Ghaffár Zanúzí: ALM Nicolas's 'Abdoul-Béha et la situation', 1912. A.L.M. Nicolas, Ismael Velasco, trans. (2007). A translation of ALM Nicolas’s ‘Abdoul-Béha et la situation’ (1912) reproducing letters by 'Abdu’l-Bahá and Mírzá Ghaffár Zanúzí. Articles.
  3. Arabic Bayan, The: From A.L.M. Nicolas' French translation. The Báb, A.L.M. Nicolas, trans, Peter Terry, trans. (1980). Translations.
  4. En Perse: La Constitution. A.L.M. Nicolas (1906-11). Three documents related to the first Iranian Constitution, with passing mentions of Babis. Histories.
  5. Essai Sur le Cheikhisme. A.L.M. Nicolas (1910/1911). One of the earliest biographies of Shaykh Ahmad Ahsa'i and Siyyid Kazim Rashi, founders of Iranian reform movements in the 18th and 19th centuries. Books.
  6. Le Béyan Persan. The Báb, A.L.M. Nicolas, trans. (1911-1914). French translation of the Persian Bayán, one of the principal writings of the Báb. Translations.
  7. Les Béhahis et le Bâb. A.L.M. Nicolas (1933 ). Articles.
  8. Massacres de Babis en Perse. A.L.M. Nicolas (1936). On events in 1903 in Rasht, Isfahan, Yazd, and Tehran, written by a French consul in Iran. Articles.
  9. Persian Bayan, The: From A.L.M. Nicolas' French translation. The Báb, A.L.M. Nicolas, trans, Ismael Velasco, trans. (2001-06). Four short chapters from The Báb's book of laws. Translation of Nicolas’s Le Beyán Persan, translated from the French, with reference to the Persian, by Ismael Velasco. Translations.
  10. Prophet in Modern Times, A. A.L.M. Nicolas, Peter Terry, trans. (2008/2015). Partial translation of A.L.M. Nicolas' Seyyed Ali Mohammed dit le Bab, with extensive notes and explanations. Articles-unpublished.
  11. Qourrèt-oul-Aíne [Qurratu'l-`Ayn]. A.L.M. Nicolas, Peter Terry, trans. (2004). First publication in English translation of early accounts of the life and death of Táhirih. These passages are from Seyyed Ali Mohammad dit le Bab (1905) by A.-L.-M. Nicolas, French diplomat and author. Biographies.
  12. Seven Proofs, The. The Báb, A.L.M. Nicolas, trans, Peter Terry, trans. (2008). English translation by Peter Terry of Nicolas' French translation of The Báb's "Seven Proofs." Translations.
  13. Seyyèd Ali Mohammed, dit le Bâb. A.L.M. Nicolas (1905). The first detailed biography of The Bab written in a Western language. Books.
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