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"Gregory Dahl"

author name: Gregory C. Dahl
web link: Gregory_Dahl

3 results

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  1. Evolving toward a Bahá'í Economic System. Gregory C. Dahl. (1991) Ideals are fruitless if not implemented. There needs to be a balance and an interplay between goals and actions. A "Bahá’í economic system" suggests a number of topics for further research. Articles.
  2. New Directions for Economics. Gregory C. Dahl. (2018) How spiritual principles can be applied to economic life; Bahá'ís are called to concern themselves with the inequalities in the world and bring their personal lives and the actions of their communities more in line with principles of compassion. Articles.
  3. Шаги в сторону экономической модели бахаи (Шаги в сторону экономической модели бахаи). Gregory C. Dahl. Vladimir Chupin, trans. (1991) Светлые идеалы бесплодны, если их обладатели сидят, сложа руки. Вместе с тем, практические действия вполне могут оказаться тщетными, если за ними не стоят светлые идеалы. Нужен баланс и трезвая обратная связь между целями и поступками. Articles.
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