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"Mina Yazdani"

  1. `Abdu'l-Bahá and the Iranian Constitutional Revolution: Embracing Principles while Disapproving Methodologies, by Mina Yazdani, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 24:1-2 (2014). Abdu’l-Bahá’s orientation toward the Constitutional Revolution of 1906–1911: he embraced the principles of constitutionalism while disapproving of confrontation; real social change needs to start at the moral-ethical level. Published Articles. [about]
  2. Ante Litteram Critique of Orientalism, An: The Case of Abu'l-Fadá'il-i-Gulpáyigání and E.G. Browne, by Mina Yazdani and Omid Ghaemmaghami, in Religions, 14:6 (2023). Gulpaygani’s analysis of Orientalism as presented in his book Kashfu'l-Ghitá', which focused on the Cambridge scholar E.G. Browne and how his worldview prefigured that of Edward Said; colonial power relations. Link to article (offsite). Published Articles. [about]
  3. Quiet Strangulation: Islamic Republic's Treatment of Baha'is since 1991, by Mina Yazdani, in Tiempo Devorado, 5:2 (2018). Summary of persecution of Bahá'ís in Iran especially since 1991, and on analyses by other historians on the roots of anti-Bahá'í discrimination. Includes introduction by Amin Egea. Published Articles. [about]
  4. Religious Contentions in Modern Iran, 1881-1941, by Mina Yazdani (2011). In 20th-century Iran, anti-Bahaism played a role in transforming Shi'i religious piety into the political ideology known as Islamism; Bahá'ís became branded as Iran's internal "other"; role of The Confessions of Dolgoruki. Link to thesis (offsite). Theses. [about]
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