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"Sarah Munro"

  1. Instrument of Music, The: A Musical Comedy, by Sarah Munro and David Cerpa (2019-11). Dramatization of the role of music in the expansion and consolidation of Bahá’í communities, drawing on the example of Latin America, and the impact and use of music to contribute to the growth of any community. Scripts and screenplays. [about]
  2. Josie McFadden, by Sarah Munro (2013). Josie McFadden is a fictitious character who works in the home of Reverend Frederick White and his wife, Jane Elizabeth White, actual people who hosted Abdu'l-Bahá in Edinburgh. Though this monologue is fiction, it is based on real events. Scripts and screenplays. [about]
  3. This Gem-Studded Crown: A Dramatic Sketch, by Sarah Munro and Sofie Geschier (2017-03). Fictional dialogue of the first of eight actual meetings between Martha Root and Queen Marie of Romania, in January 1926. Scripts and screenplays. [about]
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