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"Udo Schaefer"

  1. Aspects of Bahá'í Ethics, Some, by Udo Schaefer, in Journal of Bahá'í Studies, 16:1-4 (2006). Summary of concepts from Schaefer's book Bahá'í Ethics in the Light of Scripture. Published Articles. [about]
  2. Bahá'í Apologetics?, by Udo Schaefer, in Bahá'í Studies Review, 10 (2001). Apologetics is a branch of systematic theology rather than religious studies. It can help explore the teachings of the Faith in the context of prevailing philosophies and standards in a secular society, and answer critical inquiries. Essays and short articles. [about]
  3. Bahá'í Ethics: Answers to 55 Questions Submitted by Arthur Dobrin, by Dianne Bradford and Fiona Missaghian, in Religious Ethics: A Sourcebook, Arthur D. Dobrin, ed. (2004). Answers to questions submitted in preparation for a source book in religious ethics for a college course at Hofstra University, New York, fall 2001. Essays and short articles. [about]
  4. Bahá'í Faith, The: Sect or Religion?, by Udo Schaefer, in Bahá'í Studies, volume 16 (1988). Lengthy study defining the distinguishing features of the Bahá'í Faith as contrasted with other contemporary religious movements. Published Articles. [about]
  5. Baha'u'llah's Unity Paradigm: A Contribution to Interfaith Dialogue on a Global Ethic?, by Udo Schaefer, in Dialogue and Universalism, 6:11-12 (1996). The mystic unity of religions and the concept of progressive revelation. Published Articles. [about]
  6. Balance hath been Appointed, The: Some Thoughts on the Publication of the Kitab-i-Aqdas, by Udo Schaefer, in Bahá'í Studies Review, 3:1 (1993). Significances of the Aqdas and the possible impact of its publication (1992) upon its Western audience. Published Articles. [about]
  7. Beyond the Clash of Religions: The Emergence of a New Paradigm, by Udo Schaefer (1998). Religious pluralism and associated issues: diversity and unity of religions, absoluteness, relativity of truth, New Age thought, and interfaith dialogue Books. [about]
  8. Challenges to Bahá'í Studies, by Udo Schaefer, in Bahá'í Studies Review, 2:1 (1992). Discussion of the intellectual presentation of the Bahá'í Faith, and of the related topics of review, apologetics, and contemporary political contexts. Published Articles. [about]
  9. Crime and Punishment: Bahá'í Perspectives for a Future Criminal Law, by Udo Schaefer, in Law and International Order. Proceedings of the first European Bahá'í Conference on Law and International Order (1996). There is a moral crisis at the present time due to the decline of religion. The Bahá'í teachings uphold the principles of divine justice, individual responsibility, moral education, and the fear of God. Published Articles. [about]
  10. Die Grundlagen Der "Verwaltungsordnung" Der Baha'i: (The foundations of the Baha'i administrative order), by Udo Schaefer (1957). Schaefer beschreibt in der Dissertation die Bahá'í-Verwaltungsordnung. Sie basiert auf dem Bund Gottes. Er erläutert im Detail die Bahá'í-Gemeinde, deren Elemente der Organisation, die Quellen des Bahá'í-Rechts und die verwendeten Begriffe. Theses. [about]
  11. Ethics for a Global Society, by Udo Schaefer, in Bahá'í Studies Review, 4:1 (1994). Addresses the collapse of moral order and value systems in the contemporary world, advocating in response a global ethic based on the Kitáb-i-Aqdas. Published Articles. [about]
  12. Ethique Baha'i, by Udo Schaefer, in Recueil de Conferences (2008). Published Articles. [about]
  13. Footnotes to Baha'i Studies and its Methodology, Some, by Udo Schaefer (2000). Debate over the nature of 'Bahá'í scholarship'; the problem of anti-intellectualism; the purpose of Baha’i Studies; the needed qualities of scholars, mutual respect, and community tolerance. Unpublished Articles. [about]
  14. Foreword: Time and the Badí` Calendar, by Udo Schaefer, in Time and the Bahá'í Era: A Study of the Badí' Calendar, ed. Gerald Keil (2008). An investigation of ‘time’ and the ‘Badí‘ calendar’ and its inherent symbolism. Published Articles. [about]
  15. Heilsgeschichte und Paradigmenwechsel: Zwei Beiträge zur Bahá'í-Theologie, by Udo Schaefer (2002). German original text of Beyond the Clash of Religions: The Emergence of a New Paradigm. None. [about]
  16. In A Blue Haze: Smoking and Baha'i Ethics, by Udo Schaefer (1997). Smoking as a focus of this first attempt to define certain aspects of Bahá'í ethics. Books. [about]
  17. Infallible Institutions?, by Udo Schaefer, in Reason and Revelation: Studies in the Babi and Bahá'í Religions, 13 (2002). Historical and Bahá'í interpretations of infallibility. Published Articles. [about]
  18. Introduction to Bahá'í Law, An: Doctrinal Foundations, Principles and Structures, by Udo Schaefer, in Journal of Law and Religion, 18:2 (2003). A pioneering look at Bahá'í law both in general and in detail, the foundations and principles of which can only be understood within their theological context. Published Articles. [about]
  19. Justice et Miséricorde?: Une théologie du pardon selon la foi Bahá'íe, by Udo Schaefer (2001). Published Articles. [about]
  20. L'histoire de Salut et Changement de Paradigme: Deux Contributions à la Théologie Bahá'íe, by Udo Schaefer (1993). French translation of Beyond the Clash of Religions: The Emergence of a New Paradigm. Books. [about]
  21. La conception de l'homme de Bahá'u'lláh, by Udo Schaefer (1981). Essays and short articles. [about]
  22. Les Bahá'ís: Un chapitre de l'histoire religieuse récente, by Udo Schaefer, in La Pensées Bahá'í (Bulletin trimestriel), 107 (1989 Summer). Published Articles. [about]
  23. Les Tablettes de Bahá'u'lláh révélées après le Kitáb-i-Aqdas, by Udo Schaefer, in Encyclopédie Philosophique Universelle, vol. 3 tome 1 (1992). Encyclopedia articles. [about]
  24. Loyalty to the Covenant and Critical Thought, by Udo Schaefer (2001-01). A commentary for Bahá’ís examining the balance of critical thought with loyalty to Bahá’í institutions. Unpublished Articles. [about]
  25. Making the Crooked Straight: A Contribution to Baha'i Apologetics [excerpt], by Udo Schaefer and Nicola Towfigh (2000). Front- and back-matter of the book only: Contents, Preface, Introduction, Conclusion, Bibliography, Index. Books. [about]
  26. Making the Crooked Straight, by Udo Schaefer and Nicola Towfigh, in Lights of Irfan, Volume 8 (2007). Two pages on a prophecy concerning the advent of Man Yuzhiruhu'llah. Book excerpts. [about]
  27. Making the Crooked Straight, review by Denis MacEoin: Responses, by Anthony Lee and Kavian Sadeghzade Milani (2001). Responses by Tony Lee, Kavian Milani, and Udo Schaefer to Denis MacEoin's review of Making the Crooked Straight by Udo Schaefer et al. Book Reviews. [about]
  28. Man: The Crown of Creation or Its Destroyer?, by Udo Schaefer (2001). When will deficient humans, no longer able to solve the existential problems of humanity, change for the better? The survival of mankind depends on a new ethic and a substantially new way of thinking. Unpublished Articles. [about]
  29. New morality, The: An outline, by Udo Schaefer, in Bahá'í Studies Review, 5:1 (1995). Proposal that Bahá'u'lláh's ethical teachings rest on metaphysical premises about God and humankind, specifically the teleological and the deontological. Published Articles. [about]
  30. Positions of the Austrian Churches and Religious Communities regarding bio- and medico-ethical Issues, The, by Udo Schaefer, in Churches, Religions, Bioethics (Kirchen, Religionen, Bioethik), Jurgen Wallner, ed. (2002). On the Bahá'í view of bioethical and biomedical questions, and Bahá'í authoritative sources, image of human beings, health and sickness, liberty and responsibility, and specific bioethical questions.  Published Articles. [about]
  31. Religious Intolerance as a Source of Violence, by Udo Schaefer, in World without Violence: World leaders share their commentaries on world harmony, peace and justice, Arun Gandhi, ed. (1994). A Bahá'í-inspired examination of how religious fanaticism and prejudice promotes violence. Published Articles. [about]
  32. Towards a Bahá'í Ethics, by Udo Schaefer, in Search for Values: Ethics in Bahá'í Thought, John Danesh and Seena Fazel, eds. (2004). Bahá'í ethics are a transformative way of life and detachment involving truthfulness, trustworthiness, justice, moderation, wisdom, and prudence. Published Articles. [about]
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