Bahai Library Online

List documents by W. Smith Murray

Author name: W. Smith Murray

2 results

  1. W. Smith Murray. Consideration of the Bahá'í religion, its Tenets, the Character of its Followers, and the Possibility of its Spread, A (1925-01-08). Lengthy report back to the US State Department by Murray, who was then in charge of the U.S. Consulate in Tihran, on the Bahá'ís in the Middle East, the "Imbrie affair," the character of the Bahá'ís, and the possibility of the Faith's spread in Persia. Documents.
  2. W. Smith Murray. Report to the U.S. Secretary of State (1924-08-10). A report to the US Secretary of State by W. Smith Murray, who was in charge of the U.S. Consulate in Tihran, on report of the murder of Vice Consel Robert Imbrie in Tihran. Documents.
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