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"Youness Khan Afroukhteh"

  1. Bahá'í Martyrdoms in Persia in the Year 1903 AD, by Haji Mirza Haydar-Ali (1917). A memoir by Abdu'l-Bahá, erroneously credited to Haji Mirza Haydar-Ali, published in English as a 28-page book in 1904 and 1917, covering events from March-September 1903. Books. [about]
  2. Memories of Nine Years in Akka, by Youness Khan Afroukhteh (1952/2003). Translation of Khatirát-i-Nuh-Saliy-i-‘Akká, the memoirs of Dr. Yúnis Afrukhtih, who served ‘Abdu’l-Bahá as secretary and interpreter from 1900-1909. Includes discussion of the history of Covenant-breaking. Pilgrims' notes. [about]
  3. Portrait of Abdu'l-Bahá: Selections From Memories of Nine Years in Akká, by Youness Khan Afroukhteh (2006). Habits of ‘Abdu’l-Bahá in His daily tasks and services, his concentration, the way he revealed verses, his manner of speaking, his bearing, interactions with governments, his burdens and tasks, and his love and generosity. Biographies. [about]
  4. Table Talks with Abdu'l-Baha, by George F. Winterburn and Rosa V. Winterburn (1908). Lengthy notes taken in February 1904, published as a 32-page book in July 1908 at the request of Thornton Chase. Pilgrims' notes. [about]
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