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Universal House of Justice

MOUNT CARMEL PROJECTS The Eighth Wonder of the World

Several major newspapers of Haifa have reported the opening of Terrace 19 to the public. In its press release, the Municipality of Haifa particularly requested visitors to respect the sanctity of the place and maintain its silence and cleanliness.

Picture of the Shrine of The Bab and the

The Shrine of The Bab and the Terraces

As a gesture of appreciation the Municipality of Haifa, under the aegis of Israel's Ministry of Tourism, provided attractive coverage of the Terraces of the Shrine of the Bab and the buildings around the Arc in a recently released brochure on Haifa, boldly titled "The Eighth Wonder of the World". The brochure describes the Shrine and Gardens thus: "Splendidly set in the exquisite green Mount Carmel scenery, with its extensive flower beds, bushes, cypresses and cluster pines, the Baha'i complex includes the Shrine of the Bab and two superb buildings in strongly neo- classical style. The luxuriant gardens open out all around the golden domed Shrine, forming a shining landmark in the Mount Carmel landscape".

Picture of the Centre for the Study of
the Texts

The Centre for the Study of the Texts

Institution of Huququ'llah

At each village where I shared some understandings of Huququ'llah, I always told them that it was not my intention to collect Huququ'llah in my trip and that I would write back to them informing them of my address. At Madiri village, I gave my talk in the night too. However, early next morning, an elderly lady sent her son to speak to me, begging me to accept her contribution to Huququ'llah that very morning instead of waiting for my letter. Like many Papua New Guineans who are subsistence farmers, she is not obligated to pay the Huququ'llah. She had accumulated a sum of money from the sale of clothes she stitched and she gave all in the names of her husband, her children, her relatives and herself.... It was a humbling experience. It was given with such love, humility and insistence. I accepted the contribution and I visited her house to personally thank her on behalf of the Universal House of Justice.

From a report by a Representative of Huququ'llah