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We welcome letters on any topic of general interest. Personal attacks or denigratory comments will not be printed. Letters may be edited for reasons of brevity or clarity. Opinions expressed in these columns are not necessarily those of the National Spiritual Assembly or the Editor.


Recording the words of God


You might enjoy sharing in the following idea with me - As you find the time, record for yourself on a cassette tape the Hidden Words or those Hidden Words which speak personally to you. Then add some of the Writings which speak to you. This tape can then be used as a daily meditation. If you use the tape with headphones, sit quietly, relax, and just receive deep into your heart centre the words in this way, it is as if the words of God are streaming into and from your heart centre. This is especially beneficial if you are bothered by those endless, long-playing thoughts, which keep one from focusing on the present. It is also beneficial for those moments when you are bored, depressed, tired or not so well. Listening to the words in this way becomes a deep meditation with practice. Listening becomes more important than speaking! Another idea is to make it a group creativity. Make a tape, copy it to give as a present to the elderly, sick, or whoever you are guided to. The group can also use the tape for meditation and deepening. A children’s version could also be made to assist reading by heart.


Annette Poort


A plea for courtesy


Just a note at this time when all UK Bahá’ís are under millennial stress!

At least a couple of times this last year we have been saddened by tactless comments made by fellow Bahá’ís in other communities about our own community which have not aided the process of unity! Can we make a plea for confidentiality, courtesy and consideration in all our dealings with each other, with a gentle reminder that none of us can possibly know all the subtle details of anyone else’s situation, or that of another community.


Teignbridge Spiritual Assembly


"O Son of Being! How couldst thou forget thine own faults and busy thyself with the faults of others?"


(Bahá’u’lláh, Hidden Words)


"We verily, have chosen courtesy, and made it the true mark of such as are nigh unto Him. Courtesy is, in truth, a raiment which fitteth all men, whether young or old."


(Bahá’u’lláh, Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, p50)


Monitoring the success of Tranquillity Zones


I am writing with an appeal to all the UK Bahá’í communities regarding Tranquillity Zones. Please, if your community has been running Tranquillity Zones, can you send me the following information as soon as possible -


The number of Tranquillity Zone sessions you have held and whether they are run on a regular basis

The number of people who have attended a Tranquillity Zone in your area

The number of enquirers which the project has attracted

The number of people who became Bahá’ís as a direct or indirect result of the Tranquillity Zone


Please send the information to: Fidelma Meehan, Shirin Dalvand Teaching Project Co-ordinator, 16 Tower Road, Peatmoor, Swindon Wilts SN5 5BG Tel: 01793 873684 e-mail:


Regional Bahá’í Centre available for meetings


The Bahá’í Centre in Brighton has recently been refurbished. This Centre is for the region. The Spiritual Assembly of Brighton and Hove would like to encourage and invite the friends to use this community resource for meetings. Contact the secretary, Ron Ford, Tel: 01273 328609 or Mojgan Sani, Tel: 01273 705155. Unfortunately we are unable to offer overnight accommodation.


The Spiritual Assembly would like to express sincere thanks to the National Properties Committee for all the help and support given towards the refurbishment project.


Mojgan Sani


The Regional Bahá’í Centre address is: 19 Stanford Avenue Brighton


Diet question


After following what I believed to be good advice from ‘Abdul-Bahá that the food of the future will come from the earth, I found myself experiencing severe hair loss and an irritating skin condition. After blood tests my GP told me that this was entirely owing to lack of vitamin B12 in the diet.


However discussing this with a fellow Bahá’í friend he very wisely suggested that I take a closer look at the writing and realised that the future meant just that, and perhaps the time was not right yet for this to be put into practice.


Any comments please, relating to this vitally important issue.


Joan Niblett