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Meeting of minds

Like everyone, I have been wrestling with my and our apparent failure to be the instruments of a uniting change in the hearts and minds of others.

It is difficult to avoid the importance placed on meetings in the faith. Meetings are the unavoidable consequence and ingredient of community life.

I can't help feeling that for any comparable meeting, a meeting of Bahá'ís has to be the place where the highest level of consideration, love and respect exist. But, in the past, I have found that I leave some Bahá'í meetings, less happy than when I arrived. If my unhappiness has been caused by the expression or attitude of another I would say that the object of the meeting has not been met. (I, dare say, have been the cause of more than one offended heart).

It would be lovely to think that the thing at the top of the "agenda" of all meetings (not just committee), all the time, was our concern for the feelings of all of those present.

Hugh Fixsen

Don't be sorry - move to Surrey

We are a very small, friendly, community in Surrey. We live in the historic town of Staines, in the Borough of Spelthorne. Our community encompasses Staines, Shepperton, Stanwell, Ashford and Sunbury. This is very much an upcoming area: a lot of money has been put in to develop the town centre. We are just inside the M25, M4 and M3 (but not close enough to see/hear them). Mainline station, amenities and lovely countryside are nearby.

So why the letter? We want to help develop our community and expand teaching activities. Can you help? Are you interested in moving to this area? If so, please contact Simon and Nazy Trick, Tel: 01784 880913, or e-mail:

We're waiting for your call.

Simon and Nazy Trick

A night to remember

The National Chamber Orchestra of Wales, under conductor Martin Pring, and Cardiff's Ardwyn Singers, under Musical Director Helena Braithwaite, performed the world premier of "Ridván - the New Dawn Oratorio" composed by Denver Morgan, a Bahá'í. The prestigious and historic event took place on 25th March in the Brangwyn Hall in Swansea.

Six of us made our journey from Caerphilly to attend the Oratorio with mixed choir, orchestra, and four wonderful artists, who gave a rendering of the "Ridván Tablet", music written by Denver Morgan. It was an inspiration and those who were present were really thrilled to hear the words of Bahá'u'lláh sung beautifully. Many times I've listened to or sung  the wonderful oratorios "Messiah" and "Elijah" and been thrilled, and I believe this "Ridván Tablet" will have more power, being the exact words of Bahá'u'lláh.  A wonderful spiritual experience - Thank you Denver.

Thanks too to the ones who worked behind the scenes to make it a great success, not forgetting Kathryn Delpak who chaired it wonderfully well as she always does.

Talking to the artists afterwards, I asked them if they enjoyed singing it, and they said they had really enjoyed the evening and also learning it.  I'm sure this will be the Oratorio for this New Age.

Beatrice Kent

"Firesides" book gets the thumbs-up

I just finished the "Firesides" book and this has been the best book I have ever read. It gave me a thoroughly different concept about what firesides are actually about, and I can't wait to start my own now!

Kamyar Solhjoo

Women's weekend in Liverpool a treat

I would like to thank the Association of Bahá'í Women (England) for the terrific weekend 23rd-25th June at the Liverpool Bahá'í Centre. Not only did the organisers run workshops and entertainment, but they cooked and cleared up for us, and even gave us gorgeous suprise presents, which must have taken hours to make.

It was lovely to meet old friends and make many new ones, to listen to each others' experiences and to have a good laugh together. The flower arrangements were a constant source of pleasure and much appreciated by everyone.

I felt very pampered and it has fired me up with new energy and enthusiasm to do Bahá'u'lláh's work in the community.

Joan Ambrose

International Pen Friends

I would like to mention an organisation called International Pen Friends (IPF) which I joined about a year ago. Through the IPF I am now teaching the Bahá'í Faith to people in various parts of the world. I am not saying that as Bahá'ís we should join this organisation with the one aim of teaching, you should like writing letters and have a genuine interest in the people you write to and be willing to learn from them. Being able to share our Faith is a bonus to what can be a very rewarding hobby.

IPF's magazine, "People and Places"  printed an article about my visit to Israel in which the Bahá'í Faith was mentioned.

I would add that IPF is not a dating society and operates with strict guidelines.  I have only received one item of "chain mail" and the sender consequently had their membership removed.

D Mawtus

To join IPF contact: PO Box 42, Berwick upon Tweed TD15 1RU

LETTERS Letters may be edited for reasons of brevity or clarity. Opinions expressed in these columns are not necessarily those of the National Spiritual Assembly or the Editor.