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TAGS: * Báb, The; * Báb, Writings of
A discussion of four of the Báb's autobibliographical works (the Kitáb al-Fihrist, al-Kitáb al-`Ulamá, al-Khutba al-Dhikriyya, and al-Khutba fí'l-Jidda) as related both to antecedents in Islamic literature and to the Báb's messianic self-conception.
Presented at the Irfan Colloquia Session #58, Louhelen Bahá'í School, Michigan (October 8-11, 2004).

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Autobibliography in the Writings of the Báb:

Translation of the Khutba Dhikriyya

Vahid Brown

published in Lights of Irfán, Volume 6, pages 47-68

Wilmette, IL: Irfan Colloquia, 2005


This paper will discuss four of the Báb's autobibliographical works; the Kitáb al-Fihrist, al-Kitáb al-`Ulamá, al-Khutba al-Dhikriyya, and al-Khutba fí'l-Jidda. I will relate my analysis of these texts to antecedents in Islamic - and especially Shi`i - literatures, with regard to the theological significance of bibliography, and ultimately to the Báb's hyper-textual messianic self-conception.
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