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Date 1850-07-09-01, sorted by events, ascending

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1850 9 Jul
Martyrdom of the Báb

In the morning the Báb was taken to the homes of the leading clerics to obtain the death-warrants. [Bab155; DB508]

  • The warrants were already prepared. [Bab155–6; DB510]
  • Anís's stepfather tried to persuade him to change his mind. Anís's young son was also brought to 'soften his heart' but Anís's resolve remained unshaken. [Bab156–7; DB509–10]
  • At noon the Báb and Mirza Muhammad-Ali Zunuzi, known as Anis were suspended on a wall in the square in front of the citadel of Tabríz in Sarbazkhaneh Square. They were shot by 750 soldiers in three ranks of 250 men in succession. [Bab157; DB512]
  • When the smoke cleared the Báb was gone and Anís was standing, unharmed, under the nail from which they were suspended. The Báb, also unhurt, was found back in his cell completing His dictation to His secretary. [Bab157–8; DB512–13]
  • See BBD200–1 and DB510–12, 514 for the story of Sám Khán, the Christian colonel of the Armenian regiment which was ordered to execute the Báb.
  • The Báb and Anís were suspended a second time. A new regiment, the Násirí, was found to undertake the execution. After the volleys, the bodies of the Báb and Anís were shattered and melded together. [Bab158; DB514]
  • See BBR77–82 for Western accounts of the event.
  • The face of the Báb was untouched. [Bab158]
  • At the moment the shots were fired, a gale sweeps the city, stirring up so much dust that the city remained in darkness from noon until night. [Bab158; DB515]
  • See CH239 and DH197 for the story of the phenomenon of the two sunsets.
  • During the night, the bodies were thrown onto the edge of the moat surrounding the city. Four companies of soldiers, each consisting of ten sentinels, were ordered to keep watch in turn over them. Nearby; two Bábís, feigning madness, keep vigil. After paying bribes to the guards, tIhe bodies were removed and hidden under cover of darkness. [Bab159; TN27; LWS147; DB518]
  • See David Merrick's Outline for Researchers.
  • See Sen McGlinn's blog 750 Muskets.
  • See It was in the news.... In this blog SMK points out the parallel between the history of early Christianity and that of the Bábí-Bahá'í Faith.
  • There is a possibility that the Martyrdom took place on the 8th of July. See BBR78.
  • See Glimpses of Life and Manners in Persia Chapter 11 by Lady Mary Sheil published in 1856. It contains sketchy details of the circumstances and martyrdom of the Báb and the insurrection at Zanjan. [Collins 10.1327-10.1328]
  • * Báb, The, Basic timeline; * Báb, The (chronology); * Persecution, Iran; - Basic timeline, Condensed; - Basic timeline, Expanded; - Basic timeline, Expanded; - Persecution; - Persecution, Deaths; Anís Zunízí (Mírzá Muhammad-`Alíy-i-Zunízí); Báb, Martyrdom of; Báb, Remains of; Holy days; Iran; Sam Khan; Tabríz, Iran
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