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Date 1850-07-11-01, sorted by date, descending

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1850 11 Jul
During the evening the bodies were wrapped in a cloak and removed to a silk factory owned by one of the believers, Haji Ahmad Milani, where the remains were concealed under a bale of silk. The next day they Haji Sulayman Khan and Husain-i-Mílání built a casket and placed it in the wall cavity, covering it with mortar. Before closing it the casket Sulayman Khan placed a bouquet of flowers commonly found in the homes of Tabrizis next to the sanctified countenance of the Bab. [B159–60; DB519]
  • Sulayman Khan sent a messenger to Tehran to advise Bahá'u'lláh that the remains had been secured and He had a messenger sent back telling them to deliver the remains to Tehran. They travelled by night along the rocky pathway through the hills and mountains out of fear for both robbers and the authorities and probably arrived about a week later. [JtaM3]
  • See B159–60, DB518–22 and TN27–8, The Bahá'í Faith 1844-1952 Information Statistical & Comparative p20-22 for the story of the recovery of the bodies and eventual arrival in Haifa.
  • The soldiers reported that the bodies had been eaten by dogs. [B160; DB519]
    • Shi'is believe that dogs would not eat the flesh of 'holy imams' as their bodies are not composed of the same substance as that of ordinary people. [TN27-28]
  • See as well Efforts to preserve the remains of the Bab: Four historical accounts by Ahang Rabbani
  • Báb, Martyrdom of; Báb, Remains of; Iran; Tabríz, Iran
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