1853 or 1854
185- |
Bahá'u'lláh revealed the Lawh-i Kullu't-ta'ám (Tablet of All Food). [BRSM:62; BKG112]
The revelation of this Tablet pointed out Mírzá Yahyá's lack of ability. [BKG 112]
This Tablet also describes five Worlds of God.
It is an esoteric scriptural Tablet expository of Qur'an 3:87 [93] and incorporating issues of Bábi authority and religiosity. It is addressed to the Bábi believer Ḥajjī Mīrzā Kamāl al-Dīn Narāqī (d. Narāq c.1298/1881). An inadequate printed text is found in Ishrāq Khavari (comp.) Mā'ida-yi āsmani IV :265-276 and a slightly better one in Rahiq-i makhtum II :416-426. A superior photocopied ms. is to be found in INBMC 36:268-277. [U of Cal. MERCED]
Tablet of All Food translated by Stephen Lamden. |
* Bahá'u'lláh, Writings of; * Bahaullah (chronology); Baghdad, Iraq; Iraq; Lawh-i-Kullu't-Ta'ám (Tablet of All Food); Mírzá Yaḥyá (Subh-i-Azal) |