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Date 1872-00-01, sorted by date, ascending

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1872 (In the year)
Restoration of the House of the Báb began at the request of Khadíjih Bigum with the permission and the financial support of Bahá'u'lláh. She requested that the House not be restored to its original configuration to avoid painful memories. Therefore, substantial changes were made to the structure of the House. These included making two of the rooms part of the expanded courtyard and moving the small pool.
  • After these changes were made, Khadíjih Bagum took up residence in the Blessed House. She lived there for the next nine years, until her passing in October 1882. [EB232; The Genesis of the Bábi-Bahá'í Faiths in Shíráz and Fárs p93 by A. Rabbani; MBBA172]
  • To protect the House further, a small house next to it on the eastern wall was bought. It belonged to a certain Hájí Muhammad- Ja`far-i-Hadíd. The elders of the Afnán family asked Hájí Mírzá `Abdu'l-Hamid to live there. He was one of the early believers in the Báb and married to the daughter of Hujjat-i-Zanjani. From the first day Hujjat's daughter arrived in Shiraz, she was a close companion of Khadíjih Bagum, who had a particular affinity for the families of the Bábí martyrs. An underground passageway was constructed connecting the two homes. It was used as the main entrance for the House of the Báb so that the neighborhood would not take notice of the occupants. [MBBA171-172]
  • After her ascension, as instructed by Bahá'u'lláh, her sister, Zahra Bagum, moved her residence to the Sanctified House. She lived there until her passing in 1891. [MBBA172]

    Note: During the early days of the Afnán family, there was considerable competition within certain quarters of the family over the House of the Báb. On several occasions, the issue was brought to Bahá'u'lláh. He consistently reaffirmed the hereditary custodianship of Zahra Bagum and her descendants. By the time of `Abdu'l-Bahá's Ministry, only a few family members questioned the custodianship rights. However, to ensure complete unity, the Master reaffirmed the hereditary right of Núri'd-Dín and, thereafter, Mírzá Habíb. Before his passing, Mírzá Habíb passed the custodianship to his oldest son, Abú'l-Qásim Afnán. [MBBA115n165]

  • - Restoration and renovation; Báb, House of (Shiraz); Iran; Khadijih Bagum (wife of the Báb); Shíráz, Iran
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