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Date 1921-09-21-01, sorted by date, descending

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1921 21 Sep
'Abdu'l-Bahá wrote a 4,000 word Tablet for Dr Auguste Forel in response to a letter He received from him. The Tablet can be found at, as well as in The Bahá'í World Vol. XV, pp. 37–43.

Shoghi Effendi wrote of this Tablet: [GPB307]

    The famous scientist and entomologist, Dr. Auguste Forel, was converted to the Faith through the influence of a Tablet sent him by 'Abdu'l‑Bahá—one of the most weighty the Master ever wrote.
  • See The Kingdom of Existence by Dr Ali Murád Dávudí. In addition to Dr. Forel´s biography and the text of the tablet addressed to him by Abdu´l-Bahá, contains Dr. Dávúdí's extensive studies of the tablet, as well as a glossary of terms that offers more explanations about its contents.
  • * `Abdu'l-Bahá, Writings and talks of; `Alí Murad Davudi; Auguste Forel; Haifa, Israel; Tablet to Auguste Forel
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