1925 (Early in the year)
192- |
Johanne Sorensen became a Bahá'í in Hawaii, the first Dane to accept the Faith. She returned to Denmark soon afterwards and remained the only Bahá'í there for 21 years. [SBBR14p233; Bahá'í Chronicles Johanne Sorensen Hoeg]
In the period 1925 to 1957 she corresponded with the Guardian. The correspondence includes more than one hundred letters, mostly on the subject of translation. [SBBR14p235]
For a history of the development of the Faith in Denmark see The Circle, the Brotherhood, and the Ecclesiastical God: The Bahá'í Faith in Denmark, 1925-1987 by Margit Warburg in Bahá'ís in the West SBBH Vol 14 pp229-263. It is also available on Bahai-Library.com.
See The Circle, the Brotherhood, and the Ecclesiastical Body: The Bahá'í Faith in Denmark 1925-1987 by Margit Warburg. [SBBH14p222] |
Denmark; Hawaii, USA; Johanne Sorensen |
first Dane to accept the Faith |