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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

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Date 1929-11-06, sorted by firsts, descending

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1929 6–26 Nov
The case of the House of Bahá'u'lláh in Baghdád was taken before the sixteenth session of the Permanent Mandates Commission of the League of Nations. [BW4:237]
  • The text of the petition was conceived and drafted by Monfort Mills. Shoghi Effendi paid tribute to his work in a letter dated March 20, 1929. [BA180]
  • The right of the Bahá'ís to the House was upheld and the government of Iraq was strongly pressed to find a solution but the House was not returned to the Bahá'ís. [BW4:237; GBF35; PP96–7]
  • See Minutes of the Sixteenth Session, 1929, by Permanent Mandates Commission
  • Baghdad, Iraq; House of Bahá'u'lláh (Baghdad); Iraq; League of Nations; Montfort Mills
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