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Date 1950-00-00-08, sorted by date, descending

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1950 (In the year)
The publication of Prescription for Living by Rúhíyyih Rabbani by George Ronald. The first edition was a run of 300 copies, done in a dark blue cloth, serial numbered and autographed by the author. There were subsequent printings in 1950, 1960, 1972, and 1978. [Collins7.2181-2185; CBN No 13 May 1950]
  • In 1971-1972 the book was transcribed by Gertrude D. Schurgast of Tuscon, AZ into braille. Another "printing" was done by the Service for the Blind Committee in Stevenage, England in 1983. [Collins8.118-119]
  • * Publications; Amatul-Bahá Ruhiyyih Khanum
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