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Date 1958-04-22-01, sorted by date, descending

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1958 22 - 25 Apr
The second Annual Regional National Convention for the South American countries of Brazil, Peru, Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela was held in Guayaquil. This was the highlight of the year for Ecuador being that it was their first time to host a National Convention. The delegates for Ecuador were: Juan Luis Aguirre and Alberto Carbo Medina from Guayaquil community and Gayle Woolson and Guillermo Sotomayer from Quito. At the time Ecuador still had only two local assemblies, four isolated centers and only two new believers for the year. [Heroes of God: History of the Bahá'í Faith in Ecuador, 1940-1979 by Helen Bassett Hornby p96] Conventions, National; Ecuador; Guayaquil, Ecuador; Latin America first National Convention held in Ecuador
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