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Date 1959-04-21-04, sorted by date, descending

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1959 Ridván
The Regional Spiritual Assembly of the South Pacific Islands was formed with its seat in Suva, Fiji. [BN No 267 MY 1953 P1]
  • Its area of jurisdiction comprised of ten island groups: Samoa, Fiji, New Caledonia, New Hebrides, Loyalty Islands, Gilbert and Ellice Islands, Marshall Islands, Cook Islands, Solomon Islands, and Tonga. [BW13:308]
  • For the letter of the Custodians to the national convention see MC151–5.
  • In 1963 the Universal House of Justice announced that the Assembly was to be dissolved and succeeded by a National Spiritual Assembly of the South Pacific Ocean, and a National Spiritual Assembly of the South West Pacific Ocean, with the new Assemblies being formed the following year.
  • Cook Islands; Fiji; Gilbert and Ellice Islands; Loyalty Islands; Marshall Islands; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; New Caledonia; Samoa; Solomon Islands; Suva, Fiji; Tonga; Vanuatu first NSA South Pacific Islands
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