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Date 1961-04-14-01, sorted by date, ascending

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1961 14 Apr
The knowledge of the arrest of the 14 believers was received but the Custodians at the World Centre via the publication of an article in the newspaper Le Courier du Maroc. They were in communications with the 44 National Assemblies at the time and asked them to bring pressure on the Moroccan authorities and to pray for the protection and release of the prisoners. The Custodians took the position that no attack should be made on the central authorities but rather the blame should rest on a small, fanatical, prejudiced and misinformed group of local leaders who did not seem to be under the control of the central authority in Rabat.

The Bahá'í International Community made representation at the United Nations. [MoC17-18]

- Persecution; Court cases; Human rights; Morocco; Persecution, Morocco
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