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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

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Date 1968-04-21, sorted by date, descending

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1968 Ridván
The formation of the first Local Spiritual Assembly of Kirkwall in the Orkney Islands. A special celebration was held in a hotel in Kirkwall, and Philip Hainsworth came and represented the National Spiritual Assembly. [Uk Bahá'í Histories] Kirkwall, Orkney Islands formation of the first Spiritual Assembly of the Orkney Islands
1968 Ridván
The first local spiritual assemblies of Equatorial Guinea were formed in Bata and Santa Isabel. Bata, Equatorial Guinea; Equatorial Guinea; Equatorial Guinea; Local Spiritual Assemblies; Santa Isabel, Equatorial Guinea first Local Spiritual Assembly in Equatorial Guinea
1968 Ridván
The first local spiritual assembly of the Cayman Islands was formed in George Town. Cayman Islands; George Town, Cayman Islands; Local Spiritual Assemblies first Local Spiritual Assembly in Cayman Islands
1968 Ridván
The first local spiritual assembly in French Guiana was formed at Cayenne. Cayenne, French Guiana; French Guiana; Local Spiritual Assemblies first Local Spiritual Assembly in French Guiana
1968 Ridván
The Universal House of Justice was elected for a second time by delegates from 81 National Spiritual Assemblies. [BW15:557]
  • Dr David Ruhe was elected to replace Dr Hakím, who resigned for reasons of ill health. The members were: Amoz Gibson, 'Ali Nakhjavani, Hushmand Fatheazam, Ian Semple, Charles Wolcott, David Hofman, H. Borrah Kavelin, Hugh Chance and David Ruhe. [VV3]
  • For a description of the second international convention and pictures see BW14:564–8.
  • - Bahá'í World Centre; Alí Nakhjavání; Amoz Gibson; Charles Wolcott; Conventions, International; David Hofman; David Ruhe; Elections; H. Borrah Kavelin; Haifa, Israel; Hugh Chance; Hushmand Fatheazam; Ian Semple; Universal House of Justice, Election of; Universal House of Justice, Members of
    1968 Ridván
    Sudan, Somalia and Ethiopia formed their own regional assembly. Those elected to serve were: Gila Michael Bahta, Dr. Leo Neiderreitter, Gamal Rushdy, Asfaw Tessema, Dr. Heshmat Farhoumand, Dr. Hushang Ahdieh, Ursula Samandari, Assefaw Habte Michael and Rabbi Teele Mariam. [Wikipedia] Ethiopia; National Spiritual Assembly, formation; Somalia; Sudan
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