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Date 1975-03-01-01, sorted by firsts, ascending

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1975 1 Mar
The Supreme Constitutional Court of Egypt decided that the 1960 decree of President Nasser banning all Bahá'í activities was constitutional and the application of the Bahá'ís for annulment of the decree was dismissed. Though nominally they have been guaranteed equal rights and religious freedoms under the 1971 Constitution, Bahá'ís, in practice, have retained a secondary legal status due to ongoing religious discrimination. Issues pertaining to personal status in Egypt were informed by religious rather than civil law and recognition pertained only to Islam, Christianity and Judaism. Aspects of religious life such as marriage, divorce and family relationships were not recognized by the state.

Egyptian security services have exploited the decree to orchestrate six major crackdowns on the Bahá'í community , in 1965, 1967, 1970, 1972,1985 and 2001. The authorities arrested a total of 236 Egyptian Bahá'ís in these crackdowns, on grounds that they had violated the decree or on charges of "contempt of religion" On the few occasions on which arrests were followed by prosecutions, none of the defendants were ever found guilty of violating Law 263/1960 or any other law." [BW16:137; Prohibited Identities: State Interference with Religious Freedom p31 footnote 54]

- Persecution; - Persecution, Bans; Egypt; Human rights; Persecution, Egypt
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