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Date 1983-06-18-01, sorted by date, ascending

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1983 18 Jun
In Shiraz, ten Bahá'í women ranging in age from 17 to 57, were hanged. All of the women had been tortured and interrogated in the months prior to their execution. The youngest of these martyrs was Mona Mahmudnizhad, a 17-year-old schoolgirl who had been beaten on the soles of her feet, kissed the hands of her executioner and placed the hangman's rope around her own throat. The names of the others executed were Zarrin Muqimi-Abyanih, 28, Ruya Ishraqi, a 23-year-old veterinary student, Shahin Dalvand, 25, a sociologist; Izzat Janami Ishraqi, 57, a homemaker and mother of Roya; Mahshid Nirumand, 28, who had qualified for a degree in physics but had it denied her because she was a Bahá'í, Simin Sabiri, 25; Tahirih Arjumandi Siyavushi, 30, a nurse; Akhtar Sabet Sarvestani, 25, also a nurse; Nusrat Ghufrani Yalda'i, 47, a mother and member of the local Bahá'í Spiritual Assembly. [Hanged for teaching "Sunday school"]
  • For the story of the martyrs see BW19:180–7 and VV56.
  • See the story of the arrest and execution of Simin Saberi.
  • For their obituaries see BW19:596–607.
  • For pictures of the martyred women see BW19:240–1.
  • See World Order magazine Vol 4 Issue 3, 1986 for an article on Zarrin Muqimi-Abyanih written by her sister Simin Khavari.
  • See Bahá'í Teachings for the story of Nusrat Yalda'i, a mother of four children, three sons and one daughter, who was executed for her hospitality.
  • See Track Persia dated 25 January 2020 for an account of how female prisoners have been treated in Iranian prisons since the Islamic Revolution.
  • See the NYTimes story in which Khomeini attacks Reagan for supporting Bahá'ís.
  • In 1985 a 45-page booklet entitled The Story of Mona: 1965-1983 was published by Bahá'î Canada Publications, under the auspices of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of Canada.
  • Also in 1985 a music video called Mona and Children was made by Douglas John Cameron and friends.
  • In 2003 a play, A New Dress for Mona by Mark Perry was produced by the Drama Circle.
  • Lenz Entertainment produced a screenplay entitled Mona's Dream. It was written by Houshang Touzie and Jack Lenz and won the 2010 Female Eye Audience Choice Screenplay Award. Facebook.
  • In June of 2017 the book, Our Friend Mona: The Remarkable Life of a Young Martyr by Azadeh Rohanian Perry and Mark E Perry (with the assistance of Mona's mother, Mrs. Farkhundih Mahmudnizhad) was published by Circle of Spirit.
  • Further details about the lives of the ten women as well as the history of their arrest and public execution can be found here.
  • The Revolutionary Prosecuter in the execution of all 22 Bahá'ís during that period was Farshad Seyyed Zia Mir-Amadi. iiiii
  • See Iran Press Watch 21 June 2023 for the article Who Were the Perpetrators of the Mass Execution of 10 Baha'i Women in Shiraz?. The article also delineates the measures taken by the families of the prisoners to appeal their sentences and mentions the intervention by President Ronald Regan.
  • See Olya's Story: A Survivor's Dramatic Account of the Persecution of Bahá'ís in Revolutionary Iran by Olya Roohizadegan. It is an account of a young woman imprisioned at the same time as the 10 martyrs. It was published by Oneworld Publications 1 June 1993.
  • * Persecution, Iran; - Persecution; - Persecution, Deaths; - Persecution, Education; Akhtar Thabit; Iran; Izzat Janami Ishraqi; Mahshid Nirumand; Martyrs, Shiraz 1983; Mona Mahmudnizhad; Nusrat Ghufrani Yaldai; Ruya Ishraqi; Shahin Dalvand; Shíráz, Iran; Simin Sabiri; Tahirih Arjumandi Siyavushi; Youth; Zarrin Muqimi-Abyanih
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