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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith

World Canada

Date 1999-00-00-02, sorted by date, descending

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1999 ...and beyond
Based on initial experiences, the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity learned that many people – including many university students and young professionals were interested in exploring the concepts the Institute was working with, and were interested in developing the capacity to contribute to contemporary discourses through a framework that drew on insights from both science and religion. Therefore, the Institute initiated another line of action focused on raising capacity in university students and young adults to contribute to the discourse on science, religion and development, as well as to other discourses related to the betterment of society. The Institute now conducts a series of undergraduate and graduate seminars in a growing number of countries for this purpose.
  • Seminars for Undergraduate Students
  • Seminars for University Graduates
  • Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP)
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