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World Canada

Date 2016-04-19, sorted by firsts, descending

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2011 - 2016 (The Five Year Plan)
The annual number of seminars for undergraduate students offered by the Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity rose from 21 at the start of the Plan to 39. More than 4,000 youth in more than 60 countries were served.
  • The seminar for university graduates and for young professionals, first offered in North America in 2008, was extended to Australia, Europe, Latin America and south and Southeast Asia over the duration of the Plan. As of this date more than 700 individuals had taken part. [The Five Year Plan 2011-2016: Summary of Achievements and Learning pg113] iiiii
  • - Europe; Australia; Institute for Studies in Global Prosperity (ISGP); Latin America; North America; South Asia; Southeast Asia; Statistics
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