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Date 2020-11-00-00, sorted by date, descending

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2020 Nov
The release of the film The Mystery of God. It was written by Linda Marshall Youssefian and Nadia Ferrorini Cucè, and was directed and edited by Vargha Mazlum.
  • Vargha Mazlum has been involved in music and media for over 30 years, first as a singer/violinist in the musical band Light in the Darkness and then as a producer in China and Italy. Recently more involved in video/film development, historical research, editing and directing. His documentaries explore the lives of prominent historical Bahá'ís. [Bahá'í Chronicles]

    One of his previous productions was a film about Carole Lombard and another was called Liao Chongzhen: A Bright Candle of the World of Humanity.

  • See Wikipedia Liao Chongzhen.
  • * `Abdu'l-Bahá (chronology); - Documentaries; - Film; Carole Lombard; Liao Chongzhen; Linda Marshall Youssefian; Mystery of God (film); Nadia Ferrorini Cuce; Vargha Mazlum
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