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Date 2021-12-06-01, sorted by date, ascending

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2021 6 Dec
Thirteen irrigated farmland plots belonging to Bahá'ís in the village of Kata in Iran's southwest have been targeted by local authorities seeking to expropriate Bahá'í-owned assets in Iran.

The organization "Execution of Imam Khomeini's Order" – an agency controlled by Supreme Leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei, which held and sold assets seized from proscribed groups and individuals and has done so since the 1979 Islamic Revolution – advertised the 13 properties on an auction website in mid-October. Each property had been listed for sale at a price just 15 percent of market value. The auctions listings have been published despite Bahá'ís having held the deeds to these properties for generations. [Iran Wire 6DEC21]

- Persecution; Iran; Katá, Iran
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