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Date 2024-11-19, sorted by date, ascending

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2024 19 Nov
The Bahá'í International Community issued a statement regarding human rights in Egypt. They expressed concern that the persecution of Egypt’s Bahá'í community by Egyptian authorities, something that the Bahá'ís have experienced for over 60 years, is intensifying. They encouraged member-states of the UN Human Rights Council to make five specific recommendations to Egypt at the January 2025 UPR session which will assist in alleviating the suffering of the Egyptian Bahá'ís.
  1. Allocate land for Bahá'í burial in various regions of Egypt.
  2. Appoint a government liaison for Egypt’s Baha'i community to address their concerns.
  3. Establish an official entity to oversee marriage, divorce, and inheritance matters for individuals whose national ID cards show generic religious identifiers.
  4. Uphold the right of Bahá'ís to freely practice their faith.
  5. Remove the names of Bahá'í individuals from airport arrivals watch lists, whether Egyptian or foreign nationals. [BIC-News 19Nov24]
Persecution, Egypt
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