Bahai Library Online

Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith in Canada

World Canada

Date 1893-09-23, sorted by firsts, ascending

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1893 23 Sep
First public reference in North America to the Bahá'í Faith.
  • Reference was made to it in a paper entitled `The Religious Mission of the English Speaking Nations' by Rev. Henry H. Jessup, a retired missionary from north Syria, read by Rev George A. Ford at the World Parliament of Religions in Chicago. [AB63–4; BBD2412; BBR57; BFA1:323; BW2:230; GPB256; SBBH1:76, 88, 202]
    • See AB63–4, BW2:169 for text.
    • The Magee family of London, Ester and daughters Edith and Harriet heard of the Faith for the first time. [OBBC1]
Chicago, IL; Edith Magee; Ester Magee; George A. Ford; Harriet Magee; Henry Jessup; London, ON; Mrs Jonathon Magee First public mention of the Faith in America.
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