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date | event | tags | firsts |
1952 29 Feb
195- |
Shoghi Effendi appointed Siegfried Schopflocher among the second contingent of Hands of the Cause of God. [BW12:375–6; CT202–3 MBW20–1; PP254; ZK47]
- Hands of the Cause; Haifa, Israel; Montreal, QC; Siegfried Schopflocher | |
1952 Dec
195- |
Mr. Schopflocher wrote to the Hon. Lester B. Pearson, Minister of External Affairs in Ottawa, to assist us on behalf of Miss Marian Jack, the Canadian pioneer in Sofia, Bulgaria. She would have been 88 years old at this time. Canada did not have diplomatic representation in Bulgaria at this time so, as a Canadian citizen, she came under the responsibility of the British Delegation. NBAD227; [CBN No 36 December 1952 p2] | Bulgaria; Sofia, Bulgaria | |
1952 14 May
195- |
In a cable to the National Spiritual Assembly the Guardian advised them the he would contribute £2,000 to the future Haziratu'l-Quds. [MtCp153] The National Spiritual Assembly announced that the Hazira Committee would continue its search for a suitable building not exceeding $50,000, [CBN No 31 July 1952 p6] |
- Bahá'í World Centre; Canada; Haziratul-Quds (Bahá'í centres) | |
1952 10 Jan
195- |
The passing of Honoré Jaxon (b. 1861 as William Henry Jackson in the village of Wingham, ON). He died one month after his eviction from his basement apartment where he hoarded three tons of archival material which he hoped would become a library for the study of the Métis people of Saskatchewan.
See Speechless 4 December 2009 for a chronological biography as well as a bibliography / webliogrphy of other works on him. See NUVO for a photo of his eviction from the New York Daily News archive and a short biography. See as well BFA1p90-93; OBCC18-21, 25-26. |
- Biography; - In Memoriam; Honoré Jaxon; Metis people; New York City, NY | |
1952 26 Dec - 1 Jan
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Rosemary Sala spoke about her recent pilgrimage at the Beaulac Winter Session. [CBN No 36 December, 1952 p8] | Beaulac, QC; Rosemary Sala; Winter schools | |
1952 (In the year)
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Alan and Evelyn Raynor made and extensive travel teaching tour throughout Western Canada. [CBN No 36 December, 1952 p2; 4] | Alan Raynor; Evelyn Raynor; Travel Teaching | |
1952 Aug
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The National Spiritual Assembly was actively searching for a property in Toronto to be used as a National Hazíratu'l-Quds. They had $17,000 which included $6,000 that had been a special contribution from the Guardian and other National Spiritual Assemblies. [CBN No 34 October 1952 p2] | Haziratul-Quds (Bahá'í centres); Toronto, ON | |
1952 Oct - 1953 Oct
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Holy Year, "The Great Jubilee", 16 October 1952 to 16 October 1953, was inaugurated. [MBW16-18; BW12:116; DG84; PP409–10; SBR170–1] | Great Jubilee (1952-1953); Holy Years | |
1952 8 Oct
195- |
The Guardian cabled the the Bahá'í world that he had appointed five Auxiliary Boards, one for each continent, to help the Hands of the Cause in their work. The first Auxiliary Board Members were appointed by the Hands under the direction of the Guardian. They were to serve as adjuncts, deputies and advisers to the Hands and to work closely with the National Spiritual Assemblies. [UC35; MBW44, BW13p335] | Auxiliary board members; Haifa, Israel | |
1952 26 Mar`
195- |
Shoghi Effendi appointed Ruhíyyih Khánum Hand of the Cause of God to replace her father. [UC34] | - Hands of the Cause; Amatul-Bahá Ruhiyyih Khanum; Haifa, Israel | |
1952 25 Mar
195- |
Sutherland Maxwell, Hand of the Cause of God, passed away in Montreal. (b.14 November, 1874) [DH143; MBW132; PP246]
- Biography; - In Memoriam; Báb, Shrine of (Haifa); Fortress of Mah-Ku, Iran; Montreal, QC; Relics; Sutherland Maxwell | |
1952 25 - 29 Apr
195- |
The fifth National Convention was held in the Brunswick Hotel in Moncton, NB. Sixteen delegates and twenty-five observers were in attendance. Those elected to the National Spiritual Assembly were: Lloyd Gardener John Robarts, Emeric Sala, Rowland Estall, Laura Davis, Freddy Schopflocher, Rosemary Sala, Winnifred Harvey, and Ross Woodman. [CBN No 28 April 1952 p6; Bahá'í News No 258, August 1952 p10] | Moncton, NB; National Convention | |
1952 Dec
195- |
The National Spiritual Assembly announced that the Hazíratu'l-Quds had been purchased at 188 St George Street in Toronto. [UC36; CBNNo 36 December 1952 p2] | Haziratul-Quds (Bahá'í centres); Toronto, ON | |
1952 Aug
195- |
The Ontario Bahá'í Summer School was held at the Blue Mountain Resort in Collingwood. [UC35] | Collingwood, ON; Summer schools | |
1953 29 Mar
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The funeral for Hand of the Cause Sutherland Maxwell was chaired by John Robarts, the then chairman of the National Spiritual Assembly.
Eddie Elliot; Fred Schopflocher; Horace Holley; John Robarts; Montreal, QC; Rowland Estall; Sutherland Maxwell | |
1952 (In the year)
195- |
A spiritual assembly was formed in North York, the 19th to form. [CBN No. 46 November, 1953 p2] | Local Spiritual Assembly, formation; North York, ON | |
1952 25 Sep
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The National Spiritual Assembly made a deposit payment of $5,0000 on the purchase of a property at 188 St George Street West in Toronto to become the site of the Haziratu'l-Quds. The full purchase price was $49,500 and they were obliged to by $20,000 by the end of November with the balance mortgaged at 5 1/2% interest for 10 years. [CBN No 34 October, 1952 p2; CBN No 36 December, 1952 p2]
Haziratul-Quds (Bahá'í centres); Toronto, ON | |
1952 Apr
195- |
In an article in the Canadian Bahá'í News by Jameson Bond, instructions were given to locate the direction of the Qiblih using the "Great Circle Route". [CBN No 28 April, 1952 p5] | Canada; Great Circle Route; Jameson Bond; Qiblih | |
1952 5 Jan
195- |
Fred and Jean Graham were registered as Bahá'ís. They had been closely aligned and were sympathetic to the Faith since 1948. [UC33]
Fred Graham; Hamilton, ON; Jean Graham; Jeanie Seddon; Orv Seddon | first Bahá'í dynasty in Canada |
1952 Oct
195- |
It was announced in the Canadian Bahá'í News that Mrs Catherine Jones was the first resident of Saskatoon to accept the Faith. [CBN No 35 November, 1952 p7] | Catherine Jones; Saskatoon, SK | first resident of Saskatoon to accept the Faith |
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