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Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith in Canada

World Canada

Date 1957-05-00-01, sorted by date, descending

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1957 May
The site of the National Hazírratu'l-Quds at 274 Huron Street was expropriated by the University of Toronto. The property was included in the 26 acres taken over in December for the expansion of the campus. The University advised that they will not require the property for some time and that we may rent the building , possibly for several years. [UC66; CBN No 87 April 1957 p3; CBN No 91 Aug 1957 p8; MtC262]
  • An Hazira Location Committee was set up consisting of George Spendlove, George Smith, Alice Hall and Marjory Merrick. [CBN No 87 April 1957 p1]
  • Alice Hall; George Smith; George Spendlove; Haziratul-Quds (Bahá'í centres); Marjory Merrick; Toronto, ON
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