Bahai Library Online

Chronology of the Bahá'í Faith in Canada

World Canada

Date 1978-04-00-01, sorted by date, ascending

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1978 Apr
Dorothy Francis (b. 22 March 1912) was named to the Order of Canada for her outstanding service to the Aboriginal population of Western Canada. From the Saulteaux tribe she was born on the Waywayseecappo First Nation near Russell, MB and she and her husband became Bahá'ís in 1960 in Calgary. She helped found the first Friendship Centre in Regina and in Winnipeg. The preservation and the enrichment of First Nations culture and tradition led her to spearhead the organization of several First Nations Cultural Clubs. She received her metal of the Order of Canada in Ottawa and was the subject of a 30 minute film during the presentation. [BW17:103; VV29; BW20p990–991]
  • For a picture see BW17:103.
  • Calgary, AB; Dorothy Francis; Order of Canada; Waywayseecappo First Nation, AB
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