Corrections sent 02-04-24 ------------------------- p. 106: The Tree of El Tor should be Tree of aṭ-Ṭúr (Mount Sinai) [aṭ-, not al-] My Footnote: Ṭúr is an allusion to Ṭúr as-Síná, representing the Manifestation of God; Síná represents the human heart. “Mount Sinai” is also known as Jabal Músá (“Mountain of Moses”). Logic suggests that Jabal al-Lawz (“Almond mountain”) in NW Saudi Arabia is the true Mountain of Moses. "El Tor" elsewhere should be "aṭ-Ṭúr" A couple of instances of archaic "therefor" changed to "therefore" p. 108: Labieck should be Labbayka (I am ready) [also p. 125] p. 110 & 112: al-Masjid al-Aqṣá (omit the preceding "the" if using the first "al-" Do not have "the the". p. 110: the Maqbil [sacred place] of the world "dawningp..." with "dawning-p..." (hyphenate -- many instances without) p. 112: The Masjid al-Aqsa [the Further Mosque in Jerusalem] and the baṭḥá’ (probably Mecca) p. 121: Ḥaḍrat al-‘Aẓím or Ḥaḍratu'l-‘Aẓím (see ESW, p. 142) p. 122: Nakazeen should be Náqiḍín p. 123: Ṭá’ (Ṭihrán) Ṭihrán. "El-Baha" should be "al-Bahá" everywhere p. 134: your own eyes and that it has by no means been beloved [by] p. 160: Ka’aba should be Ka‘aba or Ka`aba ['Atn here and elsewhere] p. 189: En-nabell should be an-Nabíl (capital letter because it refers to Muḥammad Zaafaran should be Za‘farán [“The Blessed Tree in the land of Za‘farán referreth to the land which is flourishing, blessed, holy and all-perfumed, where that Tree hath been planted.” (Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 137)] p. 193: one known as El-Majeed should be al-Majíd p. 196: replace with: Pliny [the Elder], who, in his "Natural History", was conversant with what Suqráṭ (... p. 198: Múrisṭus p. 201: Jamál-i-Qidam p. 202: Sijjín (Hades) All 'Abhá should be Abhá, El Abha and El-Abha should be al-Abhá [06-04-24: changes not applied to your web page] p. 210: el-Huseyn should be al-Ḥusayn p. 212: Koblat of the Horizons (The Manifestation) should refer to Qibla p. 221: El-Fitrat should be al-Fiṭrat [twice] New corrections: --------------- p. 27: origin of the matter, lest at the time of the Manifestation of that Essences of Essences ["lest at"] p. 62: Ja‘far aṣ-Ṣádiq (sixth Imam) was asked concerning the character of the Mahdí [no dash after Ja‘far] p. 65: Therefore it is said by Ṣádiq ibn Muḥammad p. 110: the Maqbil [sacred place] of the world [amended based on original Arabic] p. 134: We hope you will designate this blessed evening to be the evening of union: p. 182: Thereupon the Divine Ḥúríya hastened p. 184: conquerer to conqueror [all, sing. and pl., lowercase and uppercase] p. 227: Lawḥ-i-Ḥikmat [no acute] p. 229: Jábulqá and another gave reference to Jábulsá p. 229: an-Náḥiyah al-Muqaddasah Added Footnote after "(the holy direction)" Jábulqá wa Jábulsá, the west and the east, twin mythical cities (in Shí’í ḥadíth), the dwelling place of the Hidden Imám (the Promised One), whence He will appear on the Day of Resurrection. Náḥj Muqaddasa (the holy direction). p. 230: Shi'ites (several throughout document); Nuqṭiy-i-Úlá [first point]; Qá’im [á and hamza, not an 'ayn] p. 231-2: 468. In the Tablets which were revealed in ‘Iráq and Ardisherr [Arḍ-i-Sirr] (the land of mystery, or Adrianople) and Sijan Orzan [Sijn (“Prison”) al-A‘ẓam], the greatest prison of ‘Akká, We have said to all friends and made announcement about the appearance of the croakers (Nakazeen [Náqiḍín]) and the birds of night and the book of the Sejjien [Sijjín] (books written against the Cause) p. 236: Footnotes to: And when the Point was united with the second letter[1] which is manifest in the beginning of the “Mathání”,[2] the spheres [1] i.e., the letter “Bá’” the second letter of the alphabet. See Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 101. [2] Mathání “oft-repeated” or “repetition” (see Qur'an 15:87). The opening chapter of the Qur’án, which begins with the letter “Bá’”: Bismi’lláhi’r-Raḥmáni’r-Raḥím (“In the Name of God, the Compassionate, the Merciful”). This chapter of the Qur’án was revealed twice, once in Mecca and once in Medina. See Bahá’u’lláh, Tablets of Bahá’u’lláh, p. 102. p. 238: El-Furqán (Qur’án) al-Furqán p. 238: "He hath been once imprisoned in Tá (Tihrán), once in Mein (Mázarandán) and then again in Tá" should be "He hath been once imprisoned in Ṭá’ (Ṭihrán), once in Mím (Mázandarán) and then again in Ṭá’," p. 241: “He doeth whatsoever He willeth,” Hijaz should be al-Ḥijáz for the region (twice) p. 246: Jalíl (see TB, p. 117) p. 247: The “Sáhirah” [Plain] hath become manifest p. 255: Salsabíl p. 257: Do ye take unto yourselves the Jibt (idol) as a helper other than God, and do ye seek the Ṭághút (idol) p. 258: Chalice of Kawthar [th underscore] and at-Tasním p. 268: Tawrat Muhammadan should be Muslim or Islamic (Islamic cycle, Islamic Bible), etc. throughout. Religion of God, not Muhammad, ∴ Muhammadanism = Islám "Turkey" at this time was the Ottoman Empire Roumelia should be Rúmílyá (three instances) p. 285: Sidratu’l-Muntahá p. 287: ‘Iráq-‘Arab. Arabic place name: Sulaymáníyah p. 300: Missing in my copy and yours: Seventh. The penetration of his Word and the potency of his influence must be so great as to humble even his worst enemies. p. 300: Budapest p. 303: Abbas Effendi, His Life and Teachings, [no 'Ayn] p. 307: “Hasten ye toward ... lines have no space after the first line p. 308: Tablets of Abdul-Baha Abbas [in italics or double quotes]. Otherwise, the many instances of Abdu'l Baha should be ‘Abdu’l-Bahá p. 308: Nusayris p. 319: Everything in life, in its inception, is not known to the full extent [known] p. 331: Why did they deny Him when He announced Himself? [they] p. 345: Ramleh should be ar-Ramlah p. 353: Verily Thou art the Almighty ["art"] p. 360: should be: "as spacious as an endless ocean" p. 360: should be: From Níyávarán to Ṭihrán [now a northern suburb of the city. Here and elsewhere, underdot missing from Ṭihrán] p. 371: Had they not been reformed, man could not find subsistence. [been] p. 393: Táraḥ [was the Hebrew Terah, also further in text] p. 394: self-same Replace Israelitish with Hebrew [3x] p. 399: Emanu-El [one "m"] according to Temple name. More correctly with two m. p. 415: No matter how infinitely graceful, elegant and beautiful it may be, it is dead. [capital letter "O" after "N"] p. 423: “I have leveled a kingdom to the dust”; [ends on ;, not '] P. 438: Read and reflect upon the Tablets of Ishráqát, Tajallíyát, the Words of Paradise, the Glad-Tidings, Ṭarázát and the Book of Aqdas. [some changes in this sentence] Abjad value of Eve (Ḥawwá’) is 16, not 15. Only 15 if the final hamza is dropped! Repeated statement. p. 473: Because the latter are intrinsic matters [intrinsic] p. 478: All “Bá’” and “Há’" [not "Ba" and "Ha"] “Bismi’lláh ar-Raḥmán ar-Raḥím” p. 479: Hadiss should be Hadiths or more correctly, the plural form Aḥádíth (undersocore th) p. 486: calocynth Any reference to Bahá having an abjad value of 9, it should be Bahá' [ending hamza] Abjad value of Arabic for Eve is 16 p. 493: Isráfíl p. 520: San Francisco "Bulletin" [only last word is in italics] p. 528: i e. should be i.e. p. 529: Muhammadic - Islamic p. 529 and one other: Galapagos [ending s is missing] p. 530: I declare by Him, beside whom there is no one, that each one of you shall become the Isráfíl of Life [not Israel!] p. 535: Melanesia p. 537: Rumania and Andorra p. 543 and elsewhere: Star of the West in italics or within double quotes