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>   Pilgrims' notes
TAGS: - Authenticity; Pilgrims notes; Pilgrims notes (general)
Multiple manuscripts of Dudley's notes of a pilgrimage in 1957, and a case study in how much different manuscripts of Pilgrim's Notes can differ.
Typist Thellie Lovejoy and proofreader Robert Stauffer possessed five manuscript copies of these notes, which are presented below for research purposes. Those wishing merely to read these notes might prefer to use the critical edition (an attempted reconstruction of the original), produced by Thellie and Vaughn Lovejoy using their second- or third-generation manuscript copies of these notes. For the following presentation I have inserted text-breaks in order to present the notes side-by-side. [-J.W.]

See also an attempted reconstruction of these notes, what historians term a "critical edition" (Wikipedia). See also another set of Dudley's notes.

Notes on Pilgrimage to Haifa:

Parallel edition of five manuscripts

Alice Dudley

Thellie Lovejoy, comp.


Preliminary analysis of the Alice Dudley notes, columns 1 and 5

Thellie Lovejoy

The Alice Dudley notes are a very interesting collection of notes. They provide for us a good study of the types of changes one typist would introduce into the notes in order to copy them in the pre-photocopy days. None of the notes displayed here are of the original typing made by Alice Dudley. If we had that we would call it the original or first generation. The five different typings found in column three through five are all then at least second generation typings and none of the five are typed from each other. Column one notes are, it appears, typed from the column five notes. Therefore, column one notes can be called third generation notes and in this case it appears are typed from column five.

It is an interesting study to compare the one typings with each other. Each of the five second generation notes have individually deleted information in them that appear in at least two of the other three columns. It is by studying what has been deleted in each of the five columns that we can be certain none of the five has been typed from any one of the other three. In addition to deleting, either intentionally and often unintentionally, the typist would occasionally alter or even add words. What is "beyond" in three sets of notes could become "far beyond" in the fifth. Or it can go the other way. You could have "far beyond" in three typings and "beyond" in the fifth. "Retributive" in three of the typings is "retribution" in column five. They also changed the length of the paragraphs from one typing to the next. As they were speeding along typing, they would forget to break for a new paragraph, putting two paragraphs together. Or, perhaps, they would add the last sentence of one paragraph of to the beginning of the next.

By tracking the various alterations and omissions, we can tell from what second generation notes that our third generation notes have come.

Column number one, the third generation notes, had a typist who intentionally deleted all references to person's names. Columns three through five have these names so none of the five could have come from column one. But what column notes did number one come from?

  1. Column number one has no additional information in it that is not included in column number five, but it does have information that is deleted individually in each of the other three columns.
  2. Column number one, except in the instances where the typist has intentionally altered sentences with names, has all of the remaining alterations that are found in the column five notes. The strongest evidence is found in the sentence, "The coming calamity would be retribution." In columns two, three, and four, this sentence is found as the last sentence of one paragraph. With the word "retributive" instead. "The coming calamity would be retributive." Both columns five and one have this sentence as the first sentence in the following paragraph with the word "retribution" instead of "retributive".
Since the column five could not have come from column one because of the names being dropped in column one and retained in five, and column one cannot come from any of the other three columns as it has information in it that they individually do not have, it is found that column one is third generation coming from the column five notes.
["legal size" version, from Lovejoy collection, provided by Robert Stauffer, 1998. Proofread by Lovejoy, brackets have been added.] [from Lovejoy collection edition #2, provided by Robert Stauffer, 1998] [from Lovejoy collection, column #1 (Bode typist), provided by Robert Stauffer, 1998. Proofread by Lovejoy. Information in straight brackets has been added.] [Seattle Bahá'í Archives edition #1, provided by Robert Stauffer, 1998] [Seattle Bahá'í Archives edition #2, provided by Robert Stauffer, 1998. Proofread by Jonah Winters.]
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(Note: Lovejoy has concluded that this column is a later-generation ms; see her analysis)

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Notes on Pilgrimage to Haifa - April 15-23, 1957
    Alice Dudley

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Notes on Pilgrimage to Haifa - April 15 - to 23, 1957 - Alice Dudley

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"Excerpts of notes taken by Alice Dudley of Orleans France, during a pilgrimage to Haifa, April 15-23, 1957. These notes have been copied by Sata Kenny, recopied by Barbara Davenport, Valeria Nichola, Dee Wont Lisa Janti, Marc Towers, Joe Guffy and Tom Schwandes. The following notes are based on table conversations of the Beloved Guardian during the period Apr. 15-23, 1957. They are verbatim and are not in sequence, but I verified them for accuracy after the Guardian had left the table with members of the Int'l Council, Ruhiyyih Khanum and other pilgrims to be sure the intent was correct. The following notes are based on table conversation of the beloved Guardian during the period April -23. They are not verbatim and are not in sequence, but I verified them for accuracy after the Guardian had left the table with members of the International Council, Ruhiyyih Khanum and other pilgrims to be sure the intent was correct. The following notes are based on table conversations of the beloved Guardian during the period April 15-23. They are not verbatim and are not in sequence, but I verified them for accuracy after the Guardian had left the table with members of the International Council, Ruhiyyih Khanum and other pilgrims to be sure the intent was correct. The following notes are based on table conversations of the Beloved Guardian during the period April 15-23-57. They are not verbatim and are not in sequence, but I verified them for accuracy after the Guardian had left the table with members of the International Council, Ruhiyyih Khanum and other pilgrims to be sure the intent was correct.

-Alice Dudley

[no text here in this version.] One of the characteristics of the Guardian is his amazing memory. He has statistics of every kind pertaining to activities in all areas of the world at his finger tips and he quotes them constantly. He is especially happy over the progress of the Faith in the Pacific area. It surpasses even Africa now. He kept reiterating the goals of the various areas stating what progress had been made, what goals had been surpassed and when they lagged.

To give an idea how fast the Guardian works - when the Israeli court awarded the house at Bahji which had been occupied by Coveneant Breakers, to the Bahá'ís - that very same day the decree was pronounced the Guardian had the house demolished and every portion of it carried away. And within 4 1/2 days he created a formal garden 12 1/2 meters wide and 80 meters long. In the process of making the garden he had a row of large trees uprooted by bulldozers, raised the garden 1 meter, built roads, paths, installed lighting, made terraces, placed statuary and planted trees, flowers, and shrubbery according to design. All this in 4 1/2 days.

The Guardian described the uniqueness of the dome of the Bab's tomb. It is Renassance with a blending of Italian architecture.

The decline of Islam is beginning - they will be punished for their treatment of the Bab and Bahá'u'lláh.

One of the characteristics of the Guardian is his amazing memory. He has statistics of every kind pertaining to activities in all areas of the world at his finger tips and he quotes them constantly. He is especially happy over the progress of the Faith in the Pacific area. It surpasses even Africa now. The beloved Guardian kept reiterating the goals of the various areas stating what progress has been made, what goals had been surpassed or when they had lagged.

To give an idea how fast the Guardian works --- when the Israeli court awarded the house at Bahje which had been occupied by Covenant Breakers, to the Bahá'ís -- that very same day the decree was awarded the Guardian had the house demolished the same day and every portion of it carried away and inside of 4 1/2 days had created a formal garden 12 1/2 meters wide and 60 meters long. In the process of making the garden he had a row of large trees uprooted by bulldozers, raised the garden one meter, built roads, paths, installed lighting, made terraces, placed statuary and planted trees, flowers, and shrubbery according to a design. All this monumental work was accomplished in 4 1/2 days.

The Guardian described the uniqueness of the dome on Tomb of the Bab. It is renaissance with the blending of Indian [Italian] architecture.

The decline of Islam is beginning -- they will be punished for their treatment of the Bab and Bahá'u'lláh.

One of the characteristics of the Guardian is his amazing memory. He has statistics of every kind pertaining to activities in all areas of the world at his fingertips and he quotes them constantly. He is especially happy over the progress of the Faith in the Pacific area. It surpasses even Africa now. The beloved Guardian kept reiterating the goals which had been surpassed or when they lagged. To give an idea how fast the Guardian works when the Israeli court awarded the house at Bahje which had been occupied by Covenant Breakers, to the Bahá'ís - that very same day, the decree was awarded, the Guardian had the house demolished the same day and every portion of it carried away and inside of 4 1/2 days had created a formal garden 120 meters wide and 80 meters long. In the process of making the garden he had a row of large trees uprooted by bulldozers, raised the garden 1 meter, built roads, paths, installed lighting, made terraces, placed statuary and planted trees, flowers, and shrubbery according to a design. All this monumental work was accomplished in 4 1 / 2 days.

The Guardian described the uniqueness of the dome on the tomb of the Bab. It is renaisance with a blending of Italian architecture.

The decline of Islam is beginning - they will be punished for their treatment of the Bab and Bahá'u'lláh.

One of the characteristics of the Guardian is his amazing memory. He has statistics of every kind pertaining to activities in all areas of the world at his fingertips and he quotes them constantly. He is especially happy over the progress of the Faith in the Pacific area. It surpasses even Africa now (April 1957). The beloved Guardian kept reiterating upon the goals which have been surpassed and the ones that have lagged.

The decline of Islam is beginning -- they will be punished for their treatment of the Bab and Bahá'u'lláh.

Guardian said:

That evening the Guardian began speaking about the coming calamity. He was very emphatic and after he left, Ruhiyyih Khanum and the members of the International Council stated that they had never heard him speak with such force and so decisively. He said the coming calamity would be worse than war. Cities would evaporate, especially in the cities where it is hardest to teach the Faith, such as New York, Chicago and San Francisco. Americans would become refugees to other continents. The United States would suffer the most because it was the most materialistic. Europe was the cradle of materialism but the United States was the stronghold of materialism. Russia would also suffer greatly. He said there was no difference between Russia and the United States in their systems because they were both materialistic.. capitalism which is purely materialistic and communism, which controls the proletariate. The coming calamity would be retributive.

'Abdu'l-Bahá went to the United States to especially awaken the nation to its danger. His Mission was a failure ... both from the stand-point of the Bahá'ís and the Americans. That can be discerned by reading between the lines of his addresses in America. The Faith will be spread by the dark-skinned races, by the so-called un-civilized peoples. The Bahá'ís of the United States are going through a transitional period, and they will be in the position of spectators in the spread of the Faith in comparison with the spread of the Faith in Africa and among the yellow- skinned races.

Speaking again about the calamity, the Guardian said it was retributive and referred to the passage in the Hidden Words: 'O Ye Peoples of the world! Know verily that an unforeseen calamity is following you and that grievous retribution awaiteth you." and to the quotation: "And when the appointed hour is come, there shall suddenly appear that which shall cause the limbs of mankind to quake". It especially applies to the United States because of the importance of the United States. It is now America's turn to suffer. Referring to the coming cataclysm, the Guardian stated the world needs a blood-letting because of over-population of such countries as China, India, Japan.... Referred to it as high blood pressure and also to the unhealthy condition of many of the people ... bad blood. Sally Sanor asked if in the future when there would be no more war, would there be a problem of over-population, the Guardian replied that science by that time would have solved the food problem.

About the coming calamity: He was very emphatic. After he left the table, Ruhiyyih Khanum and other members of the International Council said they had never heard him speak with so much force or so decisevily. He said the coming calamity would be worse than war. Cities would evaporate, especially those cities where it is hardest to teach the Faith such as N.Y., Chicago, and S.F. People will lose all their possessions and homes overnight - will simply evaporate. Americans will become refugees to other continents. The U.S. will suffer the most because it is the most materialistic. Europe was the cradle of materialism but the U.S. is its stronghold. Russia will also suffer greatly. He said there is no difference between Russia and the U.S. in their economic systems - both are materialistic. Capitalism is purely materialistic and communism controls the proletariat. The coming calamity will be retributive .

'Abdu'l-Bahá went to the U.S. to waken the nation to its dangers. His mission was a failure - both from the standpoint of the Bahá'ís and the other citizens. That can be discerned by reading between the lines of his addresses in America.

Alice Dudley notes - page 2

The Faith will be spread by the dark-skinned races, by the so-called uncivilized peoples.

The Bahá'ís of the U.S. are going through a transitional period and they will be in a position of spectators in the spread of the Faith in comparison with the spread of the Faith in Africa and among the yellow races. Speaking again about the calamity, the Guardian said it was retributive and referred to the passage in the Hidden Words - "all of a sudden the unforseen calamity" and to the quotation in Gleanings that "the limbs of mankind will quake." It especially applies to the U.S. because of the importance of the U.S. It is now America's turn to suffer. Referring to the coming cataclysm, the Guardian stated that the world needs a blood-letting because of over population in China, India, Japan. He referred to it as high blood pressure and also to the unhealthy conditions of many of the people - bad blood, etc. Sally S. asked if in the future when there would be no more war, would there be a problem of overpopulation and Guardian replied that science by that time would have solved the food problem.

One evening the Guardian began speaking about the coming calamities. He was very emphatic and after he left, Ruhiyyih Khanum and the members of the International Council stated they had never heard him speak with such force or so decisively. He said the coming calamity would be worse than war. Cities would evaporate, especially in the cities where it is hardest to teach the Faith, such as New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. People would lose all their possessions and homes over-night --- would simply evaporate. Americans would become refugees to other continents. The U.S. would suffer the most because it was the most materialistic. Europe was the cradle of materialism but the U.S. was the stronghold of materialism. Russia would also suffer greatly. He said there was no difference between Russia and the U.S. in their systems because both were materialistic - capitalism which is purely materialistic and communism which controls the proletariat. The coming calamity would be retributive.

'Abdu'l-Bahá went to the U.S. to specifically waken the nation to its dangers. His mission was a failure - both from the standpoint of the Bahá'ís and the Americans. That can be discerned by reading between the lines of his addresses in America.

The Faith will be spread by the dark-skinned races, by the so-called uncivilized peoples.

The Bahá'ís in the U.S. are going through a transitional period and they will be in a position of spectators in the spread of the Faith in comparison

      -2-       Alice Dudley Pilgrim Note

with the spread of the Faith in Africa and among the yellow-skinned races.

Speaking again about the calamity the Guardian said it was retributive and referred to the passage in the Hidden Words, "All of a sudden the unforeseen Calamity" and to the quotation about the "Limbs of mankind will quake." It especially applies to the U.S. because of the importance of the U.S. It is now Americas time to suffer. Referring to the coming cataclysm, the Guardian states that the world needs a blood-letting because of over population of such countries as China, India, Japan. Refers to it as high-blood pressure and also to the unhealthy condition of many of the people, bad blood. Sally Sanor asked if in the future, when there would be no more wars, would there be a problem of over-population and the Guardian replied that Science by that time would have solved the food problem.

One evening the Guardian began speaking about the coming calamities. He was very emphatic and after he left, Ruhiyyih Khanum and the members of the International Council stated they had never heard him speak with so much force or so decisively. He said the coming calamity would be worse than war. Cities would evaporate; especially in the cities where it is hardest to teach the Faith such as New York, Chicago, and San Francisco. People would lose all their possessions and homes overnight - would simply evaporate. Americans would become refugees to other continents. The U.S. would suffer the most because it was the most materialistic. Russia would also suffer greatly. He said there was no difference between Russia and the U.S. in their system because both were materialistic - capitalism which is purely materialistic and communism which controls the prolotariat.

The coming calamity would be retribution. Abdul-Baha went to the U.S. to specifically waken the nation to its dangers. His

[page 2]

mission was a failure - both from the standpoint of the Bahá'ís and the Americans. That can be discerned by reading between the lines of his address in America. The Faith will be spread by the dark-skinned races, by the so-called uncivilized peoples.

The Bahá'ís in the U.S. are going through a transitional period and they will be in a position of spectators in the spread of the Faith in comparison with the spread of the Faith in Africa and among the yellow-skinned races.

Speaking again about the calamity, the Guardian said it was retributive and referred to the passage in the Hidden Words: "All of a sudden the unforseen calamity..." and to the quotation about the "Limbs of mankind will quake." It especially applies to the U.S. because of the importance of the U.S. It is now America's turn to suffer. Referring to the coming cataclysm, the Guardian stated that the world needs a blood-letting because of over- population of such countries as China, India, Japan. Refers to it as high blood- pressure and also to the unhealthy condition of many of the people - bad blood. Sally S. asked if in the future, when there would be no more wars, would there be a problem of overpopulation and the Guardian replied that science by that time would have solved the food problem.

One evening the Guardian began speaking about the coming calamities. He was very emphatic and after he left, Ruhiyyih Khanum and the members of the International Council stated they had never heard him speak with so much force or so decisively. He said the coming calamity would be worse than war. Cities would evaporate; especially the cities where it is hardest to teach the Faith, such as New York, Chicago and San Francisco. People would lose all their possessions and homes overnight--would simply evaporate. Americans would become refugees to other continents. The U.S. would suffer greatly, He said, and so would Russia. He said there was no difference between Russia and the U.S. in their system because both were materialistic - capitalism which is purely materialistic and communism which controls the prolotariat.

The coming calamity would be retribution . Abdul'Baha went to the U.S. to specifically waken the nation to its dangers. His mission was a failure - both from the standpoint of the Bahá'ís and the Americans. That can be discerned by reading between the lines of his addresses in America. The Faith will be spread by the dark-skinned races, by the so-called uncivilized peoples.

The Bahá'ís are going through a transitional period in the U.S., and they will be in a position of spectators in the spread of the Faith in comparison with the spread of the Faith in Africa and among the yellow-skinned races.

Speaking again about the calamity, the Guardian said it was retributive and referred to ttheirld be retribution . Abdul'he passage in the Hidden Words" All of a sudden the unforseen calamity --" and to the quotation about the "limbs of Mankind will quake." It especially applies to the U.S. because of the importance of the U.S. It is now America's turn to suffer. Referring to the coming cataclysm, the Guardian stated that the world needs a blood-letting because of over-population of such countries as China, India and Japan. Refers to it as high blood-pressure and also to the unhealthy condition of many of the people--bad blood. One of the pilgrims asked if in the future when there would be no more wars, would there be a problem of over-population.

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He replied that science by that time would have solved the food problem.

The Guardian stated that the United States was chosen as the cradle of the World Order (Administrative Order) not because of its spiritual qualities but because of its corruption, the same as Persia was chosen for the Revelation because they, the Persians, were worse than African savages, far more barbaric.

After the coming of the calamity, the United States will fulfill the prophecy of 'Abdu'l-Bahá that the United States will lead the other nations because of its suffering. The Guardian said he had given up warning the friends because

[page 2]

they paid no heed to him. Furthermore, that this calamity had been destined. The Guardian stated that 'Abdu'l-Bahá had warned the friends but they were heedless.

It is too late to save the world. The message of Bahá'u'lláh has been in the world for over one hundred years and has been rejected. The calamity will be sudden.

He spoke of our statesmen from the President down, all were helpless and impotent.. Also stated that we were not an altruistic nation... We (Americans) were helping other countries to save ourselves. The Guardian said the submarines built by Russia will paralyse the United Kingdom, Western Europe, the Mediterranean, the Pacific and Atlantic Seaboards. He stated that the United States did not wish to coalese with other nations.. only wished to protect herself. Bahá'ís have failed with the Negro race in the United States. There should have been more inter-marriage.

He spoke of the large deficit of the Fund. (Jessie Revell said we should give every month. The size of the contribution has nothing to do with it. One contribution to the International Fund was for $.35)[other notes say $1.35]

Speaking of love... The Americans love money, their wives, their homes, their possessions, their friends. Just as there is a decline in the U.S. Dollar, there is also a decline in their morals and home life.

The Guardian stated that the U.S. was chosen as the cradle of the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh not because of its spiritual qualities but because of its corruption, the same as Persia was chosen for the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh because the Persians were worse. After the coming calamity, the U.S. will fulfill the prophecy of 'Abdu'l- Baha that the U.S. would lead the nations spiritually because of its suffering. The Guardian said he had given up warning the Americans because they paid no heed to him - and furthermore, that this calamity had been destined. He stated that 'Abdu'l-Bahá warned the friends, he warned them again and again but they were heedless. It is too late to save the world. The message of Bahá'u'lláh, given over 100 years ago has been rejected. The calamity will be sudden. He spoke of our statesmen: from the president down, all are helpless and impotent. He also said we are not an altruistic nation, we only help other countries to save ourselves. He said the submarines of Russian build will paralyze the U. Kingdom, Western Europe, the Mediteranean, the Pacific and Atlantic seaboards. He said the U.S. didn't wish to coalese with other nations - save to protect herself. Bahá'ís have failed with the Negro race in the U.S. There should be more intermarriages Speaking of love: the Americans love money, their wives, their homes, their possessions, their friends. Just as there is a decline in the value of the american dollar, so there is a decline in their morals and home life.

He spoke of the American Bahá'í News Letter; siad it was a most uninspiring organ. It contained only agenda, programs, etc. It is now an International bulletin, but it doesn't present news in an interesting way. Also he spoke of the large deficit of the Fund. (Jessie R. said we should give every month, the size of the contribution has nothing to do with it. One contribution to the International Fund recently was for $1.35)

The Guardian stated that the U.S. was chosen as the cradle of the World Order (the Administrative Order) not because of its spiritual qualities but because of its corruption, the same as Persia was chosen for the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh because they, the Persians, were worse. After the coming calamity, the U.S. will fulfill the prophecy of 'Abdu'l- Baha that the U.S. would lead the nations because of its suffering. The Guardian said he had given up warning the friends because they paid no heed to him. Furthermore, that this calamity had been destined. The Guardian stated 'Abdu'l-Bahá warned the friends, they paid no heed to Him. It is too late to save the world. The message of Bahá'u'lláh has been in the world for over one hundred years and has been rejected. The calamity will be sudden. He spoke of our Statesmen from the President down, all were helpless and impotent. Also stated that we were not an altruistic nation, we were only helping other countries to save ourselves. Said the Submarines built by Russia will paralyze the United Kingdom, Western Europe, the Mediterranean, the Pacific and Atlantic sea-boards. He statedthat the U.S. did not wish to coalesce with other nations -- only wished to protect herself. Bahá'ís have failed with the Negro race in the U.S. There should be more inter-marriages. Speaking of love -- the Americans love money, their wives, their homes, their possessions, their friends. Just as there is a decline in the value of the American dollar there is also a decline in our morals, and home-life.

He spoke of the Bahá'í News Letter. Said it was the most uninspiring organ. It contained only agendas, programs. It is not an international bulletin and does not present news in an interesting way. Also spoke of the large deficit in the Fund. (Jessie Revell said we should give every month, the size of the contribution has nothing to do with it. One contribution to the Internati0al. Fund recently was $1.35)

The Guardian stated that the U.S. was chosen as the Cradle of the World Order (the Administrative Order) not because of its spiritual qualities but because of its corruption; the same as Persia was chosen for the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh because they, the Persians, were worse than the African savages - far more barbaric. After the coming calamity, the U.S. will fulfill the prophecy of Abdul-Baha that the U.S. would lead the nations because of its suffering.

The Guardian said he had given up warning the friends because they paid no heed to him. Furthermore, that this calamity had been destined. The Guardian stated Abdul-Baha warned the friends but they were heedless. It is too late to save the world. The message of Bahá'u'lláh has been in the world for over 100 years and has been rejected. The calamity will be sudden. He spoke of our statesmen from the President down; all were helpless and impotent. Also stated that we were not an altruistic nation, we were only helping other countries to save ourselves. Said the submarines built by Russia will paralyze the United Kingdom, Western Europe, the Mediterranean, the Pacific and Atlantic Seaboards. He stated that the U.S. did not wish to coalesce with other nations - only to protect itself. Bahá'ís have failed with the negro race in the U.S. - there should be more intermarriage. Speaking of love - the Americans love money, their wives, their homes, their possessions, their friends. Just as there is a decline in the value of the American dollar, there is also a decline in their morals; home life.

He spoke of the American Bahá'í News Letter; said it was the most uninspiring organ. It contained only agenda programs. It

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is now an international bulletin but does not present news in an interesting way. Also spoke of the large deficit of the Fund. (Jessie Revell said we should give every month, the size of the contribution has nothing to do with it. One contribution to the International Fund recently was for $1.35)

The Guardian stated that the U.S. was chosen as the Cradle of the World Order (Admin. Order) not because of its spiritual qualities but because of its corruption; the same as Persia was chosen for the Revelation of Bahá'u'lláh because they, the Persians, were worse than the African savages - far more barbaric. After the coming calamity, the U.S. will fulfill the prophecy of Abdul'Baha that the U.S. would lead all nations because of its suffering.

The Guardian said he had given up warning the friends because they paid no heed to him. Furthermore, that this calamity had been destined. The Guardian stated Abdul'Baha warned the friends too, but they were heedless. It is too late to save the world. The message of Bahá'u'lláh has been in the world for over 100 years and has been rejected. The calamity will be sudden. He spoke of our statesmen from the President down; all were helpless and impotent. Also stated that we were not an altruistic nation, we were only helping other countries to save ourselves. Said the submarines built by Russia will paralyze the United Kingdom, Western Europe, the Mediterranean and Atlantic and Pacific Seaboards. He stated that the U.S. did not wish to coalesce with other nations - only to protect herself. Bahá'ís have failed with the Negro race in the U.S.- there should be intermarriage. Speaking of love - the Americans love money, there wives, their houses, their possessions, their friends. Just as there is a decline in the value of the American dollar, there is also a decline in their morals and home life.

He spoke of the Bahá'í News Letter; said it was the most uninspiring organ. It contained only agenda and programs. It is now an international bulletin, but does not present news in an interesting way. Also spoke of the large deficit of the Fund. (Jessie Revell said we should give every month; the size of the contribution has nothing to do with it. One contribution to the International Fund recently was for $1.35.)

The Guardian said the calamity would happen before the Lesser Peace. He said the American Bahá'ís should not only leave their homes but should go as far away as possible. Victories come only from sacrifice and self-abnegation. The greater the sacrifice, the greater the victory. Bahá'ís should lower their standard of living in order to give more. I asked the Guardian if the calamity could be averted. He replied, "No". I asked if it would be all over of North America, and he said mostly the United States.

The night of Ridvan, the Guardian started the conversation by saying he had received over 100 telegrams from Assemblies all over the world. He mentioned specifically Salzburg, Innesbruck, Milan, Hiroshima Edna True cabled to say Luxemburg had acquired its Hazira. The Guardian cabled back and asked her. "What about Stockholm, Lisbon and translation into Lapp language?"

Isobel Sabri asked the Guardian what the attitude towards missionaries should be. (She is pioneering in Africa). The Guardian replied we must be careful with governments and reckless with missionaries. The Guardian repeated several times that settlers should come to France and the Scandinavian countries from the United States.

Sally Sanor asked the Guardian what the employees of the American Army should do in case of an alert some would be evacuated. He said if our jobs interfered with our remaining at our posts, we should change jobs.

The Guardian said the calamity would happen before the Lesser Peace. He said American Bahá'ís should not just leave their homes but should go as far away as possible. Victories come only from sacrifice and self-abnegation. The greater the sacrifice, the greater the victories. Bahá'ís should lower their standards of living in order to give more to the Fund.

I asked the Guardian if the calamity would be averted. He replied, "NO."

Alice Dudley notes - page 3

I asked if it would be all of North America that would suffer. He siad mainly the U.S. The night of Ridvan the Guardian started the conversation by saying he had received over 1,000 telegrams from Assemblies all over the world, mentioning specifically: Salzburg, Innsbruck, Milan and Hiroshima. Edna True called to say Luxembourg had acquired its Hazira. The Guardian called back and asked her "What about Stockholm, Lisbon, and translation into Lapp language?"

The Guardian then asked how we had enjoyed Bahji, and when I said "I shall never be poor again" he smiled and asked me how I had slept in the mansion.

When the Guardian writes letters to the Persians, he always chants as he writes. Isabel Sabry asked what our attitude towards missionaries should be. He said: we must be careful with Governments and reckless with missionaries. The Guardian repeated many times that more settlers should come to France and the Scandinavian countries from U.S.

Sally Sanor asked the Guardian if he thought there would be interplanetary travel. He said, "Yes" - perhaps not to the entire universe but to the nearest planets." She also asked what employees of the American Army should do in case of an alert to be evacuated. He said if our jobs interfered with our remaining at our posts, we should change jobs.

One evening the Guardian mentioned there had been 6000 years of prophetic revelation to announce the coming of Bahá'u'lláh and to prepare the world for it and that there would be 500,000 years of Revelation under his shadow.

He stated that world civilization will not be inaugurated before another revelation or prophet appears. He continually stressed the goals of the Faith as outlined the in Advent of Divine Justice on page 12. The five steps before it assumed its rightful place in the world. He announced also that he has 9 new plans for teaching work in the various portion of the globe.

The Guardian said the calamity would happen before the lesser Peace. He said Bahá'ís in America should not only leave their homes but should go as far away as possible. Victories come only from sacrifice and self-abnegation. The greater the sacrifice the greater the victories. Bahá'ís should lower their standards of living in order to give more.

I asked the Guardian if the calamity could be averted. He replied, "No." I asked if it would be all of No. America? He said, "Mainly the U.S.".

The night of Ridvan the Guardian started the conversation by saying he had received over one thousand telegrams from Assemblies all over the world, mentioning specifically Salzburg, Innesbruck, Milan, and Hiroshima. Edna True cabled to say, Luxembourg had acquired its Hazira. The Guardian cabled back and asked her, "What about Stockholm, Lisbon, and translation into Lapp lanuage. The Guardian then asked us how we enjoyed Bahje and when I said, " I shall

      -3-       Alice Dudley - Pilgrim Notes

never be poor again," he smiled and asked me how I had slept in the Mansion.

When the Guardian writes letters to the Persians, he always chants as he writes.

Isabel Sabri asked what our attitude towards missionaries should be. The Guardian replied we must be careful with governments and reckless with missionaries. The Guardian repeated many times that more settlers should come to France and the Scandinavian countries from the U.S.

Sally Sanor asked the Guardian if he thought there would be inter-planetary travel and he replies, "Yes, perhaps not to the entire universe but to the nearest planets." She also asked what employees of the U.S. Army should do in case of an alert, as we would be evacuated. He said if our jobs interferred with our remaining at our posts, we should change our jobs.

One evening the Guardian mentioned there had been six thousand years of prophetic revelation to announce the coming of Bahá'u'lláh and to prepare the world for it and that there would be five hundred thousand years of Revelation under His shadow. He stated that world civilization will not [be?] inaugurated before another Revelation or Porphet appears. He continually stressed the goals of the Faith as outlined in the Advent of Divine Justice on page 12 - the five steps before it assumed its rightful place in the world. The Guardian announced that he had 19 new Plans for teaching work in the various portions of the globe.

The Guardian said the calamity would happen before the Lesser Peace. He said the Bahá'ís in America, should not only leave their homes, but should go as far away as possible. Victories come only from sacrifice and self-abnegation. The greater the sacrifice, the greater the victories. Bahá'ís should lower their standards of living in order to give more.

I asked the Guardian if the calamity could be averted. He replied, "No." I asked if it would be all of North America and He said mainly the U.S.

The night of Ridvan the Guardian started the conversation by saying he had received over 1000 telegrams from Assemblies all over the world; mentioning specilically Salsburg, Insbruck, Milan and Hiroshima. Edna True cabled to say Luxemburg had acquired its Hazira. The Guardian cabled back and asked her, "What about Stockholm, Lisbon, a translation into Lapp language." The Guardian then asked us how we enjoyed Bahje -- When I said, "I shall never be poor again." He smiled and asked me how I had slept in the mansion?

When the Guardian writes letters to the Persians, he always chants as he writes. Isabel Sabry [Isobel Sabri] asked what attitude towards missionaries sould [should?] be. The Guardian replied we must be careful with governments and wreckless with missionaries! The Guardian repeated many times that more settlers should come to France and the Scandinavian countries from the U. S.

Sally Sauer [Sanor] asked the Guardian if he thought there would be interplanetary travel and he replied, "Yes, perhaps not to the entire universe but to the nearest planets." She also asked what employees of the American Army should do in case of an alert, as we would be evacuated. He said if our jobs interfered with our remaining at our posts, we should change our jobs.

One evening the Guardian mentioned there had been 6000 years of prophetic revelation to announce the coming of Bahá'u'lláh and to prepare the world for it - that there would be 500,000 years of revelation under His shadow. He stated that world civilization will not be inaugurated before another revelation or prophet appears. He continually stressed the goals of the Faith as outlined in the "Advent of Divine Justice" on page 12 - the 5 steps before it assumed its rightful place in the world. The Guardian announced also that he has 19 new plans for teaching work in the various portions of the globe.

The Guardian said the calamity would happen before the Lesser Peace. He said Bahá'ís in America could not only leave their homes, but should go as far away as possible. Victories come only from sacrifice and self- abnegation. The greater the sacrifice, the greater the victories. Bahá'ís should lower their standards of living in order to give more.

I asked the Guardian if the calamity could be averted. He replied, "No." I asked if it would be all of North America and he said mainly the U.S.

One of the Pilgrims asked the Guardian if he thought there would be interplanetary travel and he replied, "Yes, perhaps not to the entire universe, but to the nearest planets." She also asked what employees of the American Army should do in case of an alert, as they would be evacuated. He said if their jobs interfered with their remaining at their posts, to change jobs.

One evening the Guardian mentioned there had been 6000 years of prophetic revelation to announce the coming of Bahá'u'lláh and to prepare the world for it - that there would be 500,000 years of revelation under His shadow. He stated that world civilization will not be inaugurated before another revelation or prophet appears.

[page 3]

He continually stressed the goals of the Faith as outlined in the "Advent of Divine Justice" on page 12 - the 5 steps before it assumed its rightful place in the world. The Guardian announced also that he has 19 new plans for teaching work in the various portions of the globe.

The Guardian said that unless the homefront (the United States and England) improved, we may not have the Baghdad Conference. He said all the virgin areas far exceeded their goals, but the homefront lagged far behind.

The evening I asked the Guardian about the reference in Gleanings to the sister of Bahá'u'lláh. He replied that some of the half-sisters of Bahá'u'lláh were loyal to Him and some disloyal. She was a loyal sister.

[page 3]

The Guardian stressed many times that there had not been a Christian civilization for centuries ... only a materialistic civilization.

Agnes Alexander has been appointed a Hand of the Cause to replace Dr. Townsend. The Guardian said that Dr. Esslemont and Dr. Townsend were the two greatest Bahá'í writers in the west and, that Adul-Fazl was the greatest Bahá'í of the East. He thought that Townsend's latest book "Christ and Bahá'u'lláh" exceeded Dr. Esslemont's book in greatness. Said the English should be very proud of both of them and that we must use Dr. Townsend's latest book because it portrays the Kingdom of God upon earth. We must tell people that it is already here but in the embryonic stage. When the Kingdom of God has flowered it will be the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh. From the W.O.B. we will have its fairest fruits, World Civilization, but the will not be until the next prophet appears.

The Guardian said that unless the home fronts (US and Eng.) improved we may not have the Baghdad Conference. He said that all virgin areas far exceeded their goals but the home front lagged behind. Then he showed us maps he had made of the supplementary goals. One map showed the goals which had either exceeded original goals or victories which had not even been included in any of the plans.

When he asked me if I had seen the Shrine of the Bab yet, I told him I had gotten up at 4 am.m. to see it and he was surprised that an American had gotten up so early. He jokingly replied that it was because I was a Scandinavian. He expected early rising of the Eng. but not the Amer.

Alice Dudley notes - page 4

One a.m. Leroy Ioas drove us to see the Temple site which is situated on the very top of Mt. Carmel about 2 miles from where the Shrine is located. The site is shaped like a peninsula, overlooking water on 3 sides. The Guardian says the Shrine of the Bab is the heart of Carmel and the Temple will be the head of Mt. Carmel. He said Bahá'u'lláh had stood on the site when He revealed the Tablet of Carmel in such loud ringin tones that the nuns in the Carmelit - Nunnery, situated further below, could hear Him. This site is also near the Cave of Elijah.

One evening I asked the Guardian about the reference in the Gleanings to the sister of Bahá'u'lláh. He said that some of the half-sisters of Bahá'u'lláh were loyal to Him and some disloyal. She was a loyal sister.

The Guardian stressed many times that there has not been a Christian civilization for centuries - only a materialistic civilization.

Agnes Alexander has been appointed a Hand of the Cause to replace Dr. Townshend. The Guardian said that Dr. Esslemont and Dr. Townsend were the two greatest Bahá'í writers in the west. He thought that Townshend's latest book "Christ and Bahá'u'lláh" exceeded Dr. Esslemont's book in greatness. Said the English should be very proud of both of them and we must use Dr. Townsend's latest book because it portrays the Kingdom of God upon earth. We must tell people that it is already here in the embryonic stage. When the Kingdom of God has flowered it will be the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh. From the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh we will have its fairest fruits, world civilization, but that will not be until the next Prophetic appears.

The Guardian said that unless the home fronts, U.S., England, improved, we may not have the Baghdad Conference. He said all virgin areas far exceeded their goals, but the Home Front lags behind. Then he showed us maps he had made of the supplementary goals. One map showed only the goals which had either exceeded original goals or victories which had not even been included in any of the Plans.

When he asked me if I had seen the Shrine of the Bab yet, I told him I had gotten up at four A.M. to see it and was he was surprised that an American had gotten up so early? He jokingly replied that it was because I was a Scandinavian. He expected early rising of the English but not the Americans.

One morning Leroy Ioas drove us to see the Temple site which is situated on the very top of Mount Carmel about two miles from the Shrine is located. The site is shaped like a peninsula, overlooking water on three sides. The Guardian says the Shrine of the Bab is the heart of Carmel and the Temple will be the head of Mt. Carmel. The Guardian said Bahá'u'lláh had stood on this site and revealed the Tablet of Carmel in such loud ringing tones that the nuns in the Carmelite Nunnery situated further below, could hear Him. This site is also near the cave of Elijah.

One evening I asked the Guardian about the reference in the Gleanings to the sister of Bahá'u'lláh. The Guardian replied that some of the Half-sisters of Bahá'u'lláh were loyal to Him and some disloyal. She was a loyal sister. The Guardian stressed many times that there has never been a Christian civilization for centuries -- only a materialistic civilization.

Copied by Mary H. Bode
- November 9, 1957

Agness Alexander has been appointed to replace Dr. Townsend. The Guardian said Dr. Townsend and Dr. Esslemont were the two greatest Bahá'í writers in the west - that Abdu'l-Fazl was the greatest Bahá'í writer in the East. He thought that Townsend's latest book "Christ

[page 4]

and Bahá'u'lláh" exceeded Dr. Esslemont's book in greatness. Said the English should be very proud of both of them, that we must use Dr. Townsend's latest book because it portrays the Kingdom of God upon Earth. We must tell the people that it is already here but in the embryonic stage. When the Kingdom of God has flowered, it will be the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh. From the W.O.O.B. we will have its fairest fruits, World civilization but that will not be till the next prophet appears.

The Guardian said that unless the Homefronts (U.S., England) improved, we may not have the Baghdad Conference. He said that all virgin areas far exceeded their goals, but the home front lagged behind. Then he showed us maps he had made of the supplementary goals or victories which had not even been included in any of the plans.

Then he asked me if I had seen the Shrine of the Bab yet. I told him that I had gotten up at 4 a.m. to see it and he was surprised that an American had gotten up so early! He jokingly replied that it was because I was a Scandinavian. He had expected early rising of the English but not the Americans.

One morning Leroy Ioae [Ioas] drove us to see the temple site which is situated on the very top of Mt. Carmel about 2 miles from where the Shrine is located. The site is shaped like a peninsula over-looking water on three sides. The guardian says the Shrine of the Bab is the heart of Carmel and the Temple will be the head of Mt. Carmel. The guardian said Bahá'u'lláh had stood on this site and revealed the Tablet of Carmel in such loud ringing tones that the nuns in the Carmelite nunnery situated further below, could hear Him. This site is also near the cave of Elijah.

One evening I asked the Guardian about the reference in the "Gleanings" to the sister of Bahá'u'lláh. The Guardian replied that some of the half- sisters of Bahá'u'lláh were loyal to Him and some disloyal. She was a loyal sister.

The Guardian stressed many times that there has not been a Christian civilization for centuries - only a materialistic civilization.


The Guardian said Dr. Esslemont and Dr. Townsdend were the greatest Bahá'í writers in the West - that Abdul Fazl was the greatest Bahá'í writer in the East. He thought that Townshend's book "Christ and Bahá'u'lláh" exceeded Dr. Esslemont's book in greatness. We must use Dr. Townshend's book because it portrays the Kingdom of God upon Earth. When the Kingdom of God has flowered, it will be the World Order of Bahá'u'lláh, and we will have its fairest fruits, World civilization when the next prophet appears. (In the 500,000 year cycle).

The Guardian said that unless the Home Fronts (U.S. and England) improved, we may not have the Baghdad Conference. He said that all virgin areas far exceed their goals, but the home front lagged behind. He showed us maps which he had made of the supplementary goals. One map showed only the goals which had either exceeded original goals or victories which had not been even included in any of the plans.

One morning Leroy Ioas drove us to see the Temple site which is situated on the very top of Mt. Carmel about 2 miles from the Shrine of the Bab. The site is shaped live a peninsula overlooking water on three sides. The Guardian said the Shrine of the Bab is the heart of Carmel and the Temple will be the head. The Guardian said Bahá'u'lláh had stood on this site and revealed the Tablet of Carmel, with such loud ringing tones that the nuns in the Carmelite nunnery situated further below could hear Him. This site is also near the cave of Elijah.

One evening I asked the Guardian about the reference in the Gleanings to the sister of Bahá'u'lláh. He replied that some of the half-sisters of Bahá'u'lláh were loyal to Him and some disloyal. She was a loyal sister.

The Guardian stressed many times that there has not been a Christian civilization for centuries - only a materialistic civilization.

Excrepts from pilgrim notes of Alice Dudley.

On 28.7. 1957 a copy of the above notes were sent to the Guardian for verification by Seymor Malkin and Pat Gangel. The answer was as follows:

Haifa, Israel

Dear Bahá'í Friends:

Your letter of July 28, with enclosure has been received by the Beloved Guardian and he has instructed me to answer you on his behalf.

It is very indiscreet to let non-Bahá'ís see our Pilgrim Notes, but there is no objection to sharing them with the Bahá'ís. They are not the verbatim words of the Guardian, not a dissertation on his part but parts of a conversation .... as such these notes are fairly accurate.

He appreciates your watchfulness and your desire to protect the teachings.

With warm Bahá'í greetings

(Sd) R. Rebbani [Rabbani?]

Winston Evans stated on the Convention floor in 1961 that the LSA of Albuquerque sent these notes to the Guardian for verification and asked if they could be distributed. He confirmed the notes and gave permission for their circulation.
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