Autobiographical memoir of an Inuit from Canada, followed by the booklet "The Sacred Circles of the North and South American Indians."
See short bio at chronologycanada/2020-12-22.
1. Report / Memoirs (see below Sacred Circles booklet)(Maniwaki, Quebec)My name is William Ekomiak, an Inuit from Canada. I was at the Bahá'í conference in Anchorage, Alaska in 1976. While there, a tremendous amount of energy descended on me while I spoke. There were over 2,500 people from other countries that experienced this great happening, which is why I'm writing my report leading up to, and the outcome of, this great happening. I'll try my best to be factual and try not to have my beliefs and inclination get in the way. I was living in my hometown of Fort George, which later moved to the mainland and the name changed to Chisasibi. I was in a residential school for 8 years. Everybody went up to Grade 4. I became Bahá'í in 1965. I was going to school in Ottawa trying to complete my high school, but never did because I couldn't pass English. Liliane Irwin told me about the Faith. I was the chief of my people, so I became involved with the ratification of the James Bay Hydro Project in 1975, which coincided with the Land Claims Project. I became the Land Claims Negotiator. After the signing, there was a great influx of money, and a great change overtook the region. First there was drinking, drugs, and loose sex. Then came cheating, stealing, and fights between friends and relatives. I saw friends that appeared like angelic beings taking the fall. Time-honoured values, values that had sustained them for thousands of years, seemed to be put aside, including truth. Having been brought up a traditionalist, I decided to seek after truth by going out and looking for it. So I decided to go as far east as possible and head west across Canada. This trip started in 1975 and ended in 1976. As it turned out, whoever or whatever guided my feet sure did a good job, for I don't remember sleeping outdoors all across Canada and on to Alaska and back. Throughout my trip, I told no one about my mission. I began my mission in Eskasoni, Cape Breton, and knocked on the door of the Johnson family, told them who I was, and they accepted me. I felt then that would complete my mission. If they hadn't taken me in then, I knew my mission would not have been successful. I was very happy to be with them. Then I moved to New Brunswick and stayed with Sam "Bald Eagle" Augustine. He and I teamed up, and went to different correctional institutions to teach Indian inmates their traditional knowledge that they had forgotten in most cases. We also went to different ceremonies. At the end of my stay in New Brunswick, I experienced my first great test. A cute Indian traditionalist asked me to marry her. My turning her down had everything to do with my sacred mission. I don't remember stopping anywhere in Quebec, for I don't speak French. I stopped in three Indian communities in Ontario. I found that it was easier to bed down among Indians than white people. While there, I noticed some Indians had the last name of 'Almighty Voice,' and I thought, maybe that's what I am looking for. In Manitoba I noticed Indians standing by their door looking at passers-by all day long. In Saskatchewan I stayed with a couple of old male pioneers. They enjoyed having me around, so I stayed with them for a month. In Alberta I stayed with friends, for I used to work at the University of Alberta. It was nice to see again the girl I would someday marry. Here, the second test was experienced: a gorgeous Inuit girl asked me to marry her. She was hard to say 'no' to, for I knew her and wanted to tell her why I couldn't marry her, but I didn't. I was in Vancouver, B.C., when a man from Surrey called and asked me if I would like to travel with him to Alaska. By now, nothing seemed outrageous, so I agreed to go with him. He picked me up, and we drove all the way to Anchorage, Alaska. It turned out to be an International Conference. There were around 5,000 people from different parts of the world. The school stadium we used could only hold 2,500 people at a time, so there were groups of people that visited each other around the building, and the Aboriginals had their own spot. A sacred woman appeared before us in a sacred manner, and she wore her Indian regalia with seven blue feathers around her head, with the tall ones at the back. She looked to me like a holy tino woman (people who looked after the dodos – birds that were wiped out by white people). She asked for our attention, and spoke to us in this manner: "People need to learn the natural order of things. Until women are returned to their rightful place in society as rulers, humankind will never enjoy the conditions they once enjoyed during the Garden of Eden days. You will notice that people everywhere have been waiting for this. I will now choose one of you who will guide us in this direction." She pointed straight at me. I thought, why is she pointing at me, for I have nothing to offer. With that she left us in the same sacred manner. I was perplexed at having been chosen for something I couldn't do, so I went for a short walk all by myself. All of a sudden the sky seemed to open up in a split, then the universe seemed to split. Then in both splits a wondrous circle appeared I thought to be the Great Mystery. No words exchanged, the splits closed again. I was quite beside myself at this point. Back at the stadium an Indian lady asked if I could join the Native panel. Me – speak to over 2,000 people? My Grade 4 education was no help, but I agreed anyways. Just before my turn to speak, we heard what sounded like rain dropping on a metal roof. Except it was a clear day. So someone asked an Indian elder: "What's happening?" He answered, "There are great spirits, angelic beings, who have come among us to witness a great happening." So, when I went to speak, a tremendous power descended on me all the time I was speaking. I spoke on Native knowledge, for I knew nothing else. My speech was short and sweet, which is why I remember it. I said, "The only things that really matter in life are to be at peace with God, to be at peace with your fellow human beings, and to be at peace with nature." I heard people "aw'ing" all the time I was speaking and this "aw'ing" made me remember myself, and the power landed on my chest and I just about blacked out. My talk ended right there. I went and sat down, and people leaned over to tell me of the mighty power they experienced. One lady said, "I asked my husband to take his hat off, for something holy was happening. He said I don't need to – the speaker has his hat on too." During the break, I spoke to one of the Inuit elders. He said, "In our prophesies, it is stated that the speaker would have four ladies standing behind him." I didn't notice the four ladies, but I have a good idea who these four ladies are. For it would be an honour to serve these four ladies. I had no way of knowing how to use the vast amount of knowledge that was enshrined in my brain, for I had no way of making the intangible tangible, or something spiritual to be usable in the material. It was only by accident and through a big disaster that a great deal of this knowledge was unlocked. Then I found out why the prophets in the past needed to suffer. I went back to Canada with Bill and Phoebe Anne Lemmon. They asked for my hat, so I gave it to them. They were there when this event happened and felt the tremendous energy. They said, "We need you now." I went back home and I wasn't there long when I received a call from my lady friend from Alberta, and she wanted to get married. So I went to Alberta and married her. We were together four years, then divorced, for she didn't want any children. Then I went back east and went to a gathering in Quebec City, and met a French lady who wanted me to move to her town. I soon found out she was possessed of the evil spirit. When darkness enshrined her she could not stand being near anybody. One day, before I got out of my bed, I experienced pressure all around me. There was loud music and the environment was gray. I was having a spiritual experience. I found myself facing an apparition, a majestic lady in a long, white gown, ten feet tall, wondrous and beautiful. She was the Holy Maiden of Heaven. She came up to me and held my hand. Yet her hand felt the same size as mine and it felt like flesh. Then the vision ended. Thinking back on what it could possibly mean, I realized she wanted to impress on me that I was in good hands. Does that mean I was about to experience something terrible? Sure enough, the French lady asked me to marry her. I turned her down. In a rage, she sent my spirit to hell. I was in a darkened place that was very negative. People down there, including myself, could not stand being near anybody. There were demons whose job it was to make people suffer. One came over to me and started bouncing on top of my body. I tried praying, but my prayer just got jumbled up. I even tried saying holy incantations, but they did not come out right. I was there for what seemed like four minutes, and my spirit shot up to my body on earth. Straight-away, I saw things in my mind's eye which I had never known before. I'll come back to these later. I'll just finish my strange experience. This lady has since told me that she got her healing by another lady. Somebody had put firecrackers in my truck, telling me I was marked to be shot if the Oka crisis escalated. One morning I found myself to be a giant, my head way over the clouds. I looked to my right and Montreal, which appeared like a small town. Down in front of my toes was the town of Oka covered in a dark cloud of hate. I pressed down the love that covers Mother Earth as hard as I could, trying to dissipate the dark cloud below. All of a sudden, I found myself back in my little body. I saw in the news that morning that Indians were crossing over the line and going home. I had saved myself and some Indians and Inuit that lived among the French people. I moved to Montreal and worked there for a few years. Then I moved to Wakefield, Quebec and lived with my oldest sister. Then I moved to Ottawa, Ontario. While there in Ottawa, the Great Spirit decided to speak through me to Bahá'ís. I spoke with authority and power. They might have been prejudiced towards me because of the energy that came through me. So some Bahá'ís in Ottawa wanted me to move to Maniwaki, Quebec. There are only Indian and French people there. The Indians, especially Indians who were Algonquin, and the French, have regarded the Eskimos as the enemy since before the white people came. Right away I had difficulties from both these people. Once, an Indian through the guise of cleaning out my colon, gave me too much salt, knowing I was diabetic. I ended up in the hospital. The three doctors that were working on me had their heads down, dejected. The closest to me saw my eyes open. He said, "I thought you were dead." I was very sick for the next two weeks. Another time an Indian musician put poison on the food he gave me to eat. I died and saw six squares and nine circles fighting for my life, and the six squares won. Someone told me I had six more years to live. I have no idea if that is the case. I think this was the last time things were revealed to me. An Indian lady witch, using black magic, tried to kill me. We must have battled in the spirit world, for I only remember the end of it. I appeared mighty and looking different than I am now. Next day, this witch fell on her knees emphatically, showing the "V" sign, and she kept doing this the next three times I saw her. The Indians then realized that I was a little bit hard to kill, and they never tried again. One time there was an Indian medicine man from Manitoulin Island, who came to one of our spiritual gatherings. He read into people's minds and told them who they really were. He just finished reading a young girl, and since there was no one else, I decided to get my reading done. We laid flat on our backs with our heads together and our feet opposite from each other. It didn't take long for him to get up, and I got up as well, and he said, "I cannot tell who you are, for the great talons are in the way. If you are an eagle, then you are the voice of the Creator. If you are an owl, then you are the wrath of the Creator." He ended his session with me and started to pick up his things. Then he faced me eye-to-eye and said, "those talons," and turned around and left. That was the only time that anyone had come close to telling me who I was. One time people were cramped in a small building celebrating the birthday of our spiritual leader, William Commanda. Three more people walked in, and one of them didn't look like a white person or an Indian person, so I went up to her and asked, "Are you an angel?" She gave a quick smile and answered, "Absolutely!" and added, "only an angel will recognize another angel." I went back to my seat and, soon after, I glanced towards her; she noticed and smiled. I went across America four times. With the first group, we went on a run across America, and I was their elder. We stopped at school community gathering places and Indian reservations. I was gifted with things like sweet grass, sage, books, beaded things, a staff, shawls, even feathers. I was invited to attend the Gathering of the Eagles. But my group was not going to get there for three days. As luck would have it, we hit upon another Indian group running north-south. They would get there two days sooner, so I went with them to the Lakota spiritual gatherings. I was introduced to Orval Looking Horse, keeper of the original pipe given by White Buffalo Calf Woman. He conducted World Peace Prayer Day. The next day, I spoke at the Gathering of the Eagles. I was then given a pipe by the people of the pipe. Then there was a hail storm that night, and it was said that many men and youth hovered around the sacred fire to keep it from going out. When I awoke, there were many children sleeping on the floor in the big trailer I was given to use. Then my group showed up. Our fearless leader, as we called him, got married along the trip. The next trip across America, I went with two ladies. I was the only speaker throughout the whole trip. We stopped in one major town of Hopis, and the Hopis patted our backs, shook our hands warmly, thanking us for bringing rain with us. We didn't expect that kind of reception. We were about two miles from them when we decided to go back and see them. While we were within the tree line, many red tail hawks landed on trees alongside of us. One lady counted 200, then stopped. There were just too many. About 400 red tail hawks coming to greet us was a real anomaly. They stopped coming only because we ran out of trees. I went to the bathroom of the gas station on Hopi Land, and the sign over the men's room read "ESKI-PA" and the sign over the lady's room read "EKSI-MA", and yet there was only one Eskimo lady that lived in the whole Hopi territory, and they got me to meet her. She was pretty and tall, from western Canada. She worked as their legal secretary. A man commented about her and said, "We are proud of her and we need her," which made me a bit proud. While outside of the gas station, an Indian man asked me for directions. I said to him, "I'm an Eskimo; I'm soooo lost." He drove away laughing. The True White Brother was supposed to unite the world – this is the one the Hopis were waiting for. We wanted to speak to them about that, but they wouldn't speak to us about that. The True White Brother is the Bahá'ís. They didn't want to recognize the Bahá'í teachings either. I began to be a believer in dreams, because things began to happen just as I saw them in my dreams. These are some of the things that happened after I went looking for truth. The only other things worth mentioning are things that happened to me when I was seventeen years old. My father and I seemed to be the only ones around standing outside our tent that we lived in. A light appeared directly south of us, up in the sky, and the sun was to the right of us. And the light came right towards us quite fast, until it became brighter than the sun and landed right beside us. It was an angel. This angel took my soul out of my body, entered my body and had a chit-chat with my father. (By the way, my father had a strong magnetic personality; our home used to be filled with Indians that wanted to be near him.) I had no idea what they were talking about, for I was now a free spirit out of my body, and I was astounded by my environment; the earth is sacred, and all leafs and grasses had a light in them that made them alive. The landscape looked the same, but houses and tents were not there, for there was nothing alive in them. I thought I was mighty and powerful, and felt I could change anything I wanted to change. But everything was already perfect. When the angel finished talking with my dad, it gave me back my body and shot back where it came from. But my soul was not aligned with my body. I was half in this world and half in the spirit world. I knew where our tent was, but sometimes I didn't see things that were inside it, for I bumped into them. I was like this for two days until a girl I wanted to be my girlfriend walked by. She smiled and my soul fitted into my body again. And I was back in this world. I have often thought about this experience. I realize that when Indians do their ceremonial dances, and when your foot hits the ground, it represents the universe and Mother Earth. And when you lift your foot, that represents heavenly worlds, and they are both sacred. Those that believe there is good and evil in Creation have eaten from the 'tree of good and evil'. They have no choice but to experience good and bad things in this world. An accident can be viewed differently by these different types of people. One will be thankful that he or she is still alive. The other will bemoan his or her loss. After going on a hunt, I brought back some of our camping and hunting equipment. I was also holding a .22 long rifle. I got in the porch of our tent and the gun went off; a loud, muffled bang was heard, and it blew right over my face. We looked everywhere for the bullet hole but found nothing. The roof of the porch, covered by pitch tar, should have shattered. I should have died right there. During one evening, while I was in bed, I folded my hands and very sincerely asked God if there was a devil as an entity. All of a sudden there was a lot of energy and music, and the whole scene was grey. I found myself facing a mirror, and I didn't like what I saw in the mirror. I saw a dark and not likeable face. It moved out of the mirror and we fought, for I felt something like this should not exist. While we fought, it was like fighting my own brother; and the vision ended, but I continued to struggle, for I had it in a choke position and I was winning the battle. Then I relaxed when I realized that we all have a positive and negative nature. If we feed the positive, then we will become that for which we were created. If we feed the negative side, we will become devils. One time while in bed, I clasped my hands and very sincerely asked God if there was life after death. While lying on my bed, I felt pressure and shaking all over my body. I felt I was dying, but I didn't want to die. I was only seventeen, so I moved to my side to try to stop the process, but it didn't work. I knew I left something, but I didn't know what. I still felt whole. I saw myself running, and there were lights that were being hurled at me from behind. Some missed and some hit me. I regarded the ones that hit me as blessings, for that's what they felt like. Then the pressure and shaking began again, and I found myself in bed. I decided there was life after death. Once again, I clasped my hands and very sincerely spoke to my Creator and asked, "How can I best serve you?" Right away lots of energy, lots of loud music; and behind this energy, a grey environment. I saw myself moving away from our church and headed for the 'rec' hall full of Indians. Words rang out by a mighty voice, "Love and prosperity, love and prosperity, love and prosperity." I went in among Indians and the vision ended. I decided I must have a strong love for Native people and learn to possess what their souls require, and that is spiritual guidance—the only thing that cannot dissipate and is forever. I think that's what true prosperity means. I will now try to recreate the things I saw in my mind's eye when, at last, the spiritual knowledge was released. I didn't know how to unlock the knowledge that was planted in my head in Alaska, until I had difficulties that caused it to be useful to me. I know I could have done a better job if actual pictures were seen. But it all came in the form of knowledge. It began with the universe working normally, no shooting stars, no asteroids, no comets, no colliding galaxies. In heaven there were many angelic beings working things out for the benefit of all creation. Probably the most powerful, at least the most luminous, was the one they called Lucifer, and many angels adored him and prostrated themselves before him. All this adoration finally hit something personal. He knew there was one infinite God and wondered if he could be the next infinite God—maybe that's how things work. Straightaway, he declared himself 'God,' which was a great fallacy, for he was only a strong servant of God, and not God. All those angels that worshipped him and were responsible for his downfall fell with him. The Gardeners and Messengers that were above the angels drove them out of heaven and on to the material world, which had a beginning and an end. Even in the material world, these fallen angels were mighty and powerful, and whoever made contact with them regarded them as gods. One of their highest priorities was to create a being in their image and likeness, so that there will be those that honour them no matter what. They created monsters that could strike at the enemy, for they were analytical, logical, and scientific, and they could create anything at their whim. They found a way to travel anywhere in the universe and, in due course, wanted to own the whole universe. But the Great Spirit and the heavenly concourse would not have it. For all things visible and invisible belonged to the Creator who created it in the first place. So there was a war between the heavenly angels and the fallen angels, and the war was over the ownership of the whole universe. Heaven's angels had greater fire power, for they had the power to blow up planets. After a very long war, parts of the universe were in shambles. The great war ended and the fallen angels lost, but they continued to go into hiding. Three of our planets in our solar system were blown up, which caused our planet to go out of its orbit and seasons were experienced for the first time. Before the disaster, earth had revolved around the sun perfectly. Days were short, which is why the inhabitants lived to be a few hundred years old. The earth was always hot, which is why no one wore fur or clothes. When the disaster occurred, the big animals died off and most of humanity as well. Since then, people lived to be seventy, on average. The new, strange climate was hard on all living things, especially humans, which is why they looked to nature to survive. By following nature's ways they survived. In nature, women rule. They started to practice powers in divine order – they were attuned to the natural order of things, which enabled them to act divinely. Soon they practiced purification ceremonies, in honour of the powers. That sustained them. This attracted angelic beings. Soon they intermingled. Even the spirit of the Creator was known to be among them. This became widespread, until Abraham was asked by God to kill his son, for this son had the ability to destroy all the good that humans had enjoyed. Abraham was willing to listen to his Friend. This is the kind of relationship people had with the Creator before this son changed it. An angel other than God's (in other words, he went directly against the will of God – an "evil" angel) saved the son, thereby directly going against God's will. This son produced the story of Adam and Eve. Soon after, men forcefully removed women everywhere from power, for men blamed women for humankind's downfall. Women had strong powers then, and men called these women witches and killed them all off. Yet nothing in the story of Adam and Eve can be substantiated, for it was an untrue statement made with an intent to deceive. All hell broke loose and the whole Middle East was hit hard, to the point where people from that region believed in thousands of gods. Everywhere women became less than human, with no voting power. The only place where women remained in power was in the western hemisphere and the Polynesian Islands. The people from the east changed that very aggressively. The sorry state of women was so bad that God instituted a religious system known as the Adamic Cycle to correct this very unholy problem. Only those related to Abraham could become Messengers of God, for that's where the problem stemmed from. There are many religions all vying to gain acceptance, but I'll be dealing with the ones associated with Abraham. The whole system is progressive and Messengers spoke of the next one coming, and to follow him. People would have gone through a school system going from Grade 1, to 2, to 3, and up the scale. But no. People believed they were born into a religion and that they will die in that religion—a sorry state indeed, for they will not be able to fulfill the intent of religion. First came Krishna, and the medium between him and God was a ruby, which comes from the mineral kingdom. Therefore you will see a red dot on the forehead of Hindus, and some will be bodily transfixed, like a mineral, trying to attain a sacred state. Then came Moses, and the medium between him and God was a 'Burning Bush,' which belongs to the vegetable kingdom. You see Jews waving like plants while they pray. Then came Jesus Christ, and the medium between him and God was a dove, which belongs to the animal kingdom. You'll see that the followers of Jesus Christ (not the early Christians who didn't go to other countries) had the power of movement. They covered the globe proclaiming the one true God, for God had to become known worldwide before the process of unification of mankind could be implemented. Then came Muhammad, and the medium between him and God was a male angel, which belongs to the male human kingdom. Man's greatness was reached when Muhammad brought education to the level of a university degree. And women were denied this in the beginning. Then came Bahá'u'lláh, and the medium between himself and God was the Holy Maiden of Heaven, which represents the female human kingdom. Here, the whole problem, material and spiritual, should have been resolved by allowing women to regain their rightful place as rulers of the human race, which the whole religious system was geared to do, and for human spirituality to regain its prominence worldwide. That was the plan. The next Messenger will either fix the ongoing problem, or chuck the whole system, and allow most humans to perish so that the holy "fifth world' can take form. The Indians have stories of 4 worlds in the past, each of which were destroyed by one of the powers of the earth – fire, earth, water and air. The 5th world will succeed in fulfilling God's plan. If man makes the wrong choice, then the destruction will occur will bring about a new start in human development. This is according to Native knowledge. I had the best success traveling and teaching Indians about Native traditional knowledge. The one they really seem to enjoy is the talk I give on the simplified version of the medicine wheel. I've seen very elaborate medicine wheels. First we draw a cross with spokes the same length. Then we draw a circle, which touches each spoke. Then we draw another circle bigger than the first, over the first circle, and paint it red. This will become known as the 'good red road.' When we move along the red road clockwise, we will attain the next stage or age group at the end of each spoke, and there is a doorway to each stage. The four spokes and spaces represent age groups, four progressive colours, different guardian animals at each stage, two solstices and two equinoxes, and four cardinal directions. We shall begin our life's journey starting from the top of the wheel. We'll face the north and give our salutations to all our relations throughout the northern gate, whose animal symbol is the white buffalo, and whose teaching is innocence and potentiality. There, you'll find a child being born into the human family. This child first belongs to the Creator, then to the parents and family, then to the community, then to his or her race or tribe. As soon as the child is able to speak, the parents or the elders should have the child speak to nature. This person will remember this all their lives. I have. Get the child not only to become acquainted with all the forces of nature, but to befriend them until they regard them as their relations. These forces have not only great stories to tell, but have much wisdom, for they have been around a long time. They will talk to anyone they have come to trust. This is why we do ceremonies of thanks for anything we use in Creation. Then you will face the east and give your salutations to all your relations within the eastern gate, which is the place of illumination. Your animal guide is the eagle, and its teachings are knowledge and connectedness. This is the youth stage of development. Here, the youth will learn the meaning behind all things in Creation. They will also learn the things below them and the things above them are responsible for their being, and will have a great appreciation for all these things. These are those things:
2. This power (cohesion) plus the power of growth equal plants. 3. These powers (cohesion and growth) plus the power of the senses equal animals. 4. These powers (cohesion, growth, the senses) plus the power of the rational soul equal human beings. 5. These powers (cohesion, growth, the sense, the rational soul) plus the power of faith equal spiritual human beings. 6. These powers plus the power of the Holy Spirit equal Messengers and Gardeners of the Great Spirit. 7. The provider of all these powers is the Great Spirit. (The above is my understanding as drawn from the Bahá'í World Faith.)
Then we will face the south gate, give our salutations to all our relations within the southern gate, whose animal is the coyote and whose teachings are love and trustworthiness; its progressive colour is red. This is the adult stage of growth. By now everyone should know how they can best serve their family and community. Here you will learn the power structure of family and community affairs. You'll find that those endowed with unconditional love and a clear head for trustworthiness are women. In the natural order of things throughout all creation women rule, from the minutest to the colossal. In nature you'll find the male species going to great lengths to look attractive—peacocks, lions, some ducks and geese are great examples, for it is the woman who chooses her mate and decides which race the family belongs to. When women rule, humankind is guided toward the nobility of the human character, so much so that angelic hosts will associate with them. The great prophesy—that God will be among his people—will again become a reality. There will be no need for prisons and psychiatric wards, which exist because people opted to follow the material order of things. When women start running things, they will never glorify themselves, never do anything for self-gain, and never do anything out of malice. To maintain these traits, they will consider themselves purified, be loving, be caring, be honest, be truthful, be humble, and be selfless. The latter will get you to be in the state of heaven and keep you there, for you'll do things in the service of, or in the name of, the one you serve. We will now move to the last stretch along the good red road, and enter the western gate, where you'll give your salutations to all your relations within the western gate, whose animal is the bear, and its teachings are wisdom and healing. Both men and women deal with wisdom and healing. First off, our human body is composed of earth, water, air, and fire. These are the same elements our world is composed of. Therefore our Mother Earth is really our Mother Earth. Fire is found in our solar plexus. The more natural and clean our environment is, the better chance we'll have with healthier bodies. There are hundreds of different ceremonies which help maintain the good health of body, mind, and spirit, including the good health of everything contained in our world, which is usually performed by knowledgeable old men and old ladies. The soul is loaned to us by the Great Spirit. It is always in pure state. It is the first to bow before the Great Spirit and if we, for some strange reason, dispense with it, it returns back to the Great Spirit, and our spirit will be in a sad state. With its help, we can perform angelic powers. Know where these powers come from and give your appreciation where it is due. Never allow personal feelings to undo the good you have done. For that will become your only reward and it will not come from anywhere else. The old people know these things and will do their prayers and chants quietly. They will seek out medicines in plants and minerals. They will be known for their healing ability. They will become old and sage instead of becoming old and senile. This ends the teachings of the medicine wheel. Where I come from in northern Quebec, Canada, our land is full of blackberries, which ducks and geese feed on, get plump, then head south. Up here you can actually see how the Creator works. In the winter, when the sun is low, the berries have fallen to the ground. The seeds in them are white. In the springtime, when the eastern sun begins to shine, the seeds germinate, and the berries are small and yellow. During the summer's heat from the southern sun, the berries grow larger and red. Then in autumn, when the sun starts to come down early in the west, the berries turn black and juicy and are ready to be used by Mother Earth, bugs, animals, and human beings. You can actually see the Creator working clockwise and the progressive colours are in order. There are six spheres of worlds in creation, one above the other. First is our Mother Earth, and above and around our world is the universe above, and around the universe is heaven, home to angelic beings. Above and around those worlds is the world of the Messengers and Gardeners, the world above and around all these is the world of the Creator. Our Creator, therefore, contains all worlds and no world will ever fully understand the magnitude and power of the Creator, which is beyond all comprehension and is therefore known as the 'unknowable Essence.' There is one below the earth called the underworld. We try not to have anything to do with this one, and it's not a sphere like the others. Around the centre of the universe there's a power that is known as the 'central orb of the universe.' It is said that there are seven huge planets that protect this orb. It shoots minutest particles into all creation and sustains the whole of creation. The power that encircles all creation and the orb that sustains all creation are one and the same, male and female energies working together throughout all time. Yet this Great Being has no gender. It can only say about itself, "I am that I am." In some holy writings from different religions, including American traditionalist writings, it states that we human beings were created in the image and likeness of our Creator. But they never elaborate, so I will. The head represents the Creator, the Great Mystery. On the left arm are the Gardeners, the Great Beings that created the universe by the bidding of the Creator. These Beings are always at work, for new stars are born and old ones die off all the time. On the Mystery's right arm are the Prophets, the Great Messengers. These come to guide people as needed, or when prophesies of their return is ripe. The Gardeners work on the material, whereas the Messengers work on the spiritual. We begin our journey as human beings from our Creator, and into creation, with the help of our parents. Therefore the left leg represents all of the universe, and somewhere on earth we are born with potentialities capable of becoming that for which we were created. We were created to know, love, serve, and befriend our Creator, in that order, and for no other reason. In the universe there are four states of being we will experience, for we are always in some spiritual state. First is the dark state. Here we are inhibited by something we have done, or use hate instead of love. Then comes the state of learning and making amends, and light appears. Then the third state of becoming spiritual—here the brightness is now strong. The fourth state is where we become luminous, for we have become that for which we were created. We can also attain these states by becoming saints or heroes. Then we'll experience the next phase of our existence when we die. The universe will seem like a shadow when compared to the reality of heaven. The same four spiritual states are found in heaven, except they are more pronounced and correlated – the positive and negative things that we experience on earth are divided into 4, and these same 4 are found in heaven. The state you die in, in the material world, you will find yourself in, in the real spiritual world. As wondrous and beautiful as heaven is, it is only our ability to perceive such wonders that makes heaven wondrous. That is why there are stages. Even though we can attain great heights of perfection, there are two other worlds greater than our own. They are the worlds of the Messengers and Gardeners. The only perfect world belongs to our Creator. You may have noticed, but we have come full circle. There are a couple of other things we could do to assist us in our growth. One is to build a staff with four rotating heads: 1) White buffalo, 2) Eagle, 3) Coyote, 4) Bear; with seven feathers dangling down from the top, which will remind us that we are connected to all things. Or, have four separate staffs with a fixed head with seven feathers each. Every solstice and equinox, we put the right head in front of the others and study the teachings of that part of the medicine wheel, until we move on to the next one. The staffs can be big or small, and simple or elaborate. The other thing you can do is to stand anywhere on Mother Earth and picture yourself standing at the centre of the medicine wheel, send a line from your pivotal point to the direct opposite end of the planet, and give your salutations, prayers, blessings, and love to all your relations at each cardinal direction. Your blessings to each direction will take the form of a fruit peel – in that it covers the whole earth, and you will not miss one atom anywhere. You will strengthen the love that surrounds the planet and you will be a giving person. During my travels, I met German people who dressed as Indian traditionalists. They practiced their ceremonies, and when they danced they didn't dance awkward. I spoke to one of them, and he told me that there were quite a lot of Germans that followed this tradition. I was among Winnebago Indians, and all of a sudden the environment changed after I gave my talk. They put a shawl around me and gave me an eagle feather, and told me that I had just fulfilled one of their prophesies, which stated that a northern man would come to them and tell them what to do. I was in the central States and gave a talk to a rather large group, mostly Indians. After my talk, a middle-aged Indian man came up to me and said, "I saw your poster in my hometown, but I knew I could not come, for I was too busy; and besides, you were thirty miles away. But Spirit kept pushing me to go. I tried not to notice, but Spirit was persistent, so I gave in. Am I ever glad I came, for this is what I needed. Spirit was right. I should trust Spirit all the time." I was in Arizona, USA, when I spoke to only Indians in a large building. After I finished, a Navaho lady in a wheelchair began speaking to me in her language. I tried to interject and told her I don't speak Navaho, but she kept going. Finally, another lady, who spoke English, told me what she was saying, and said, "All she is saying is that Indians have been waiting for this." I went to a multi-grade school in Vancouver, Canada. I was given a chance to speak to a dozen or so Indian youth – boys and girls – and there was one white girl that chose to be with us. After I gave my talk, I asked the youth if they understood me. Everyone said in unison, "Yes." They all came up to me and shook my hand and left. The last one to leave with that group was a little Indian girl, who rubbed her palms and kicked up her heels as she went out the door. That was the greatest thanks I have ever received anywhere. The young white girl had remained behind, and came up to me and said, "I didn't understand a word you said, but the others seemed to." I answered, "I normally don't get told what is lacking in my talks; you are a good girl," as we went out the door. I was in the western States and gave a talk in somebody's home, only white people and one black woman. I gave a talk on the Eskimo medicine wheel that is tattooed on our women. After my talk, the black woman got all excited and told me her name, and said that she lived in a house next door, and that she was locked out and was waiting for her friend who had a copy of the key. She said an angelic being bestowed a 'V' on her forehead during a spiritual experience. Since then, she had gone to as many religions and denominations as she could find, and asked them the meaning of the 'V', but no one could answer her, until she heard me speak on the Eskimo medicine wheel and learned its great importance. She added, "Imagine an Eskimo teaching solving my dilemma – wonder upon wonders! I was locked out of my house for a reason!" In this case, the 'V' is represented by the Gardeners on the left line, who are responsible for all material creation. The right line represents the Messengers, who are responsible for heavenly worlds. The 'V' itself represents the Infinite, and all three entities produce one Divine Will. There was one short Native teaching that I heard a long time ago, which people really seem to enjoy, and it goes like this: The power that enables you to strike anyone can give out a helping hand. This power is one, and we humans are given the custodianship of this power. The right use of this power will enable you to become righteous. Knowing this, you'll then realize that there is one way to be kind, and many ways of showing it. There is one way to be trustworthy, and many ways of showing it. There is one way to be cheerful, and many ways of showing it. There is one way to be truthful, and many ways of showing it. There is one way to be loving, and many ways of showing it. There is only one way to be generous, and many ways of showing it. There is one way to be faithful, and many ways of showing it. There is one way to be gentle, creative, wise, healing, and giving, and many ways of showing them. There are many more wondrous qualities that are known to belong to our Creator, which we can pass on to others. We started searching after truth, and I noticed that truth itself is divided into four:
2) It is good to accept untruth as untruth, for it is untruth; 3) It is not good to accept truth as untruth; 4) It is not good to accept untruth as truth.
2. The Sacred Circles of the North and South American Indians
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History | Original note: "Transcribed by Judy Tompkins, with very light editing and proofreading" as posted at bahai-library.com/chronologycanada/2020-12-22. Formatted by J. Winters, 2025-01. |
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