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A moving personal biographical history of Amelia Collins.

A Tribute to The Hand of the Cause of God Amelia E. Collins

by Abu'l-Qasim Faizi

Oxford: George Ronald, 1977
About: Abu'l-Qasim Faizi has made no attempt to give a biographical history of Amelia Collins. But it is against the setting of her high rank and her distinction as a Bahá'í that this moving tribute to her, as Mr Faizi came to know her in Haifa, must be read. Amelia Collins, the subject of this moving personal tribute, accepted the Faith of Bahá'u'lláh in 1919 and for over four decades gave to it her energetic and single-hearted devotion. The great love she bore for its Guardian, Shoghi Effendi, her loyalty to him and passionate desire to render him any assistance within her power and to lighten, however slightly, the heavy burden that rested on his shoulders, not only endeared her to him but to all her fellow-believers. For many years she was a member of the National Spiritual Assembly of the Bahá'ís of the United States and Canada. On January 9th, 1951, she was appointed as 'highly esteemed Vice-President' of the first International Bahá'í Council by Shoghi Effendi and on December 23rd of that same year, she was sent a cable informing her that he was 'moved convey glad-tidings your elevation rank Hand Cause'. (from
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