Need for Group Sessions

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Posts: 75
Joined: Tue Jun 08, 2004 10:08 am

Need for Group Sessions

Postby Pilosofia » Sun Feb 27, 2005 8:01 pm

Many in this day are experiencing a significant amount of high stress,
including fears of job cutbacks, terrorist attacks, highly resistant virus,
wars, murders, kidnappings, drugs, lawlessness and the list is almost
endless coming from radio,magazines,t.v. etc. There are those that
say this has always been happening, others who will say "get over it"
and those who just do not care. The problem is not going away nor is
it just a bad dream, it's here ! and many are quietly experiencing the
fears and stress in different ways. There are solutions, we are not
left to experience high levels of stress alone. One solution is to talk
it over with a group of like minded individuals with someone experienced
to host this group setup or a professional who is creditible. The second
solution is for professional lesson series to be published for Baha'is
that incorperate the spiritual princples of Baha'u'llah for this age and
have group sessions that will deal mainly for those experiencing high
levels of stress, such lessons will need to be complied by a professional
psychologist and or psychiatrist with main emphasis on the whole
wellness of the mind and body. The third solution is already in progress
by the use of study circles, however this study circle is not structured
mainly for high levels of stress many are experiecing today though these
study circles have and do help many. There is a very serious need for
addressing this sitution as soon as possible.

Posts: 247
Joined: Sun Feb 27, 2005 11:56 pm
Location: Canada

Postby majnun » Mon Feb 28, 2005 3:57 pm

Having an artistic capacity inherent, could you picture
your person climbing a staiway?

You know, the “stairs” in the Valleys, stairs
detaching a conscience from what most people cling to?
Just to be cool in the fire…

Posts: 75
Joined: Tue Jun 08, 2004 10:08 am

Reply majnun

Postby Pilosofia » Mon Feb 28, 2005 9:17 pm

HHHMMMmmmm..... interesting you should mention that.
My prayer is simply compassion for the human soul in it's
journey through this present existence that hopefully it
will realize it's protential and progress towards God.
Not that the human soul should take a short cut so to speak.

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