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Election of the Universal House of Justice in 1963

Posted: Thu Jun 26, 2014 8:09 pm
by larry
A question came up from a study circle about the first election of the Universal House of Justice. It is hoped this can be answered or explained.

The Bahá’í World – Volume XIV (1963-1968) page 427 states that Representatives were present from all but five of the fifty-six National Spiritual Assemblies to elect the first Universal House of Justice in 1963. According to the Ministry of the Custodians pages 406-413 there appears to be seven Assemblies with no delegates present. The NSA of Iraq, NSA of Arabia, NSA of Burma, NSA of Cuba, NSA of Haiti, NSA of Nicaragua, and the NSA of Venezuela.

Is it known which of these seven NSAs did not have delegates present at the Convention and which ones were able to send a delegate (perhaps at the last moment) so it can be known which of the five NSAs mentioned in The Baha'i World had no delegate in attendance?

After multiple searches on the bahai-library website and google, this information has been elusive.

Thanks for any help on this.
Cheers, Larry